Ch 9: Lets see how Wicked This Witch Thinks.

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I have decided that the Faery named Kian is not normal. Not even by Fae standards.

Although, I didn't know what Fae standards were... I don't think it's normal for anyone of any species to hang people upside down from a tree by their feet, light a fire under them so they would be extremely uncomfortable, and then break a bone if they breathed too loud.

All with a perfectly straight face.

I sat on a stone by my pond, feet splashing lightly as Kian spoke to them in a strange language.

It sounded like it was supposed to be pretty, it did when the other faeries were talking back even though they were obviously terrified and in pain.

But when Kian was speaking it was almost violent, like gravel and knives.

It suited him better than if it sounded like music from his lips too.

As if sensing my gaze on him, the dark haired Fae looked over at me, "Swamp witch."

"Rue." I replied instantly without thought, flinching a bit when he narrowed those predatory yellow of his.

"What are you doing."

I debated how to answer him before settling on honesty, he's already got two victims I doubted her would waste time on me right now, "watching you and splashing my feet in the pond. I was just thinking that you sound a lot less pretty than they do when you speak."

He seemed irritated, "if you're going to sit there at least be useful."


"Give me one of those seed spells. I want to shove it down this one's throat and see what happens when you activate it."

" want me to kill that faery?"

"Technically." He rumbled, "I'm going to be killing him, your just a weapon."

"...a weapon."

"Like a sword. Now give me the seed."

I looked at him and then the other two fae. This doesn't seem like a good idea... maybe he will be fine, he's obviously a strong faery but I'm just a single witch... if their friends came after people who killed them, I was doomed.

I was sure that Kian would be long gone by the time anyone seeking revenge came by. And I didn't know the situation here, why these fae tried to kill him. "Uhm.."

The tall man stalked towards me, yellow eyes narrowed, "be careful how you respond little witch."

I glanced at my pond, more than ready to dive back in again.

"Don't even think about running." He growled, "we've already established I'm tenacious and you'll just be starved out."

Right. I almost forgot.

With a small grumble I pulled a seed from one of my hidden spots on the ground and handed it to him, careful not to make eye contact.

I handed him a spell seed.

Just not the one he had seen used before.

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