Ch 13: Death Caps Are Dangerous

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Kian POV

I watched her scurry away, hair and loose dress bouncing as she did.

Something about it sparked the killing instinct in me.

How fun would it be to chase her through the woods, let her get a bit of a lead, then slowly tear her to bits.

I bet her screams would be interesting.

Strange though, her defense against sex. I've never met such a shy woman.

Plenty of women fear me.

Not many of them fear sex with me. They actually buzz around like flies hoping to catch my attention and possibly become my lover.

To be the lover of the winter courts general would hold great power, if they managed to get me to marry them even more so.

I've never had a woman run away like a little mouse when told there was a possibility I would have sex with her.

If she was a Fae it would have sparked my Interest, that shyness, I would want to see how far I could push her and her body.

But shes not. Shes a lesser being. A witch.

So. Now instead of crying out of embarrassed pleasure, I want to make her cry in pain.

Do I really need her?

I don't think I do. I should just kill her now, I'm sure she's made plenty of her healing medicines.

Yeah. Im going to kill her now.

I stepped out of the river, debating how to kill her as a dressed.

I was about to squeeze out my hair and tie it up when I felt a sharp pain.

I looked over at my wrist, a sudden ring of iron appearing around it, a chain link connecting it to my other wrist.

Followed by collar and a link down my torso.

I snarled as the burn set over my body.

That bitch.

She's absolutely going to die.

I practically stormed back to her pond, ready to rip her limb from limb, "you!"

The chains tightened as I reached for her.

She squeaked and scurried back as more chains appeared, "it worked!"

"What." I growled, "is this?"

"Defense spell! The more murderous intent you have for me the more restrictions."

The iron was starting to burn but i refused to let it show. "Your dead when I get out of this."

"Not if my plan works! This is just a safety precaution customer! So I know you won't hurt me on our journey." She shuffled a bit towards me, "doesn't iron hurt your kind? Shouldn't you calm down so it burns less."

The chains on my body tightened and she jumped back as I growled at her, "I'm going to throw you into the pit and cut your achilles so you cant run."

"I don't know what that means." She squeaked looking anxious, "but it sounds bad... this is only temporary customer. Until we are done. Ill go a safe distance and deactivate them then... you didn't honestly expect me to trust a Fae? Your kind is notoriously bloodthirsty."

If I wasn't so angry I would have actually admired her hindsight.

"If you calm down the chains will retreat." She muttered, "just like bracelets and a choker. It shouldn't even burn..."

"Get out of my sight." I sneered.


"If i see you I will just want to kill you more. go get ready to leave."

She nodded, hopping into her pond.

I would calm down for now, figure out how to break these later, and give her the worst death possible.

That I was sure of.

~~~ did she manage to chain me?

She's a disaster.

I watched the swamp witch stare at her reflection in the pond, rapidly picking at her hair with an ivory comb.

The mass of curls kept growing with her determined motions as she leaned over the water.

Frankly it looked like a waste of time to me. Slowly I tapped my fingers against my thigh, wondering when the hell she was going to be done with her hair. My waiting wasn't part of the deal. "Wi-"


I stared blandly at where she was just standing, the ripples in the waters surface making obvious what just occurred.

She fell in. She fell into her own fucking pond.

"UGH!" She huffed out as she surfaced, lily pad stuck on top of her visibly deflated hair, "not again!"

...again? How often does this woman fall into her own pond? "Are you ready now." I asked slightly annoyed.

"No." She snapped, "I gotta fix my hair. Go by yourself if its such a problem."

I nearly growled at her, "you restrained me. Remember?"

"Oh." She replied squeezing out her hair, "right. But in my defense death caps are dangerous."

I felt the chains begin to wrap around me as the urge to kill her again crawled up my spine.

"Hurry up." I snarled, pacing the edge of the pond.

Earlier I found that if I went to far from her the chains would activate. Meaning not only could I not kill her I couldn't just leave her for dead.


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