Ch 7: Death, Death, or Possible Death

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I poked my head out of the pond.

A knife instantly flew at me.

With a shriek I dove back beneath the surface.

Its been days.

And I was starting to get mad.

From what I could tell the healing was coming along... although slower than if he would stop trying to stab me and let me actually do my witch work.

Doesn't he have some sort of faery thing to do?! Honestly who has enough patience to sit and stare at a pond for days on end just to try and kill a witch.

I liked my little cave at the bottom of my pond. Its where my bed is. And there's plenty of air. But it was nearly time for me to harvest mushrooms! The ones in the grove would be perfect soon.

And i was running out of food.

Slowly I began to surface again. This time holding a rock as a shield. I was sick of this and was not about to starve to death.

"Excuse me customer!"

A blade buried into my rock shield, pushing me further back through the water with the force of the hit.

I quickly swam to the center where he couldn't reach me.

After the first time I resurfaced and he tried to get in the pond he learned it was full of protective traps.

I do live alone, a girls gotta be careful.

Still. This was ridiculous.

Slowly i swam to a raised area to find my footing. "Cant we talk this out?"

I could hear the snarl in his voice as I hid behind my rock sheild. "What did you put in me and what was that vine spell?"

"Trade secret. Sorry."

"It was activated from a seed in the ground." He pressed. Holding up one of my special vine seeds.

Crap. He's been looking into my defense magic. "Seeds make great food."

I couldn't see him but I somehow knew he was sneering. "What. Are. These. Witches don't have delayed spells like these."

Well this wasn't good. I peeked from behind my rock. "Personally, I think you should find another pond." I said with a huff, looking over the strange man who's been murking up my pond for the past few days.

His yellow eyes cut into me, slight sneer on his lips, "you're a witch aren't you?"

"Yup!" I replied, prodding the mud with my toe.

"And witches take clients for spells."

"Sounds about right." I nodded.

"Then give me the fucking spell." He growled out.

I arched a brow at him. "You're not my client."

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