Ch 6: A Slight Miscalculation

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I did it!

It was terrifying but slowly the Faery lost consciousness.

All that was left to do was drag him closer to the rift so he could go home and not decide to kill me.

I just.... may have made a slight miscalculation in my plan.

Scary Fae men are heavy.

There was no way I was getting him anywhere.

And apparently levitation spells don't work on him.

I'm dead. This man is a Death Cap going to kill me.

He's going to wake up pretty much entirely healed and know I knocked him out on purpose. And then he was gonna kill me.

Maybe I should try pushing him into the pond.

Kill him first.

But my pond was so clean... and I doubt I could pull his body out.

He would rot in there...

I couldn't stab him either. The stuff i gave him would increase the Fae's scary healing he's practically uncuttable right now.

I sank to the ground in a huff.

Im too pretty to die. I haven't shown the other witches what I'm made of yet.

That left me with no other choice if I wanted to live.

I would have to tie him up and keep him here until he was brainwashed into not being murdery anymore.

"Yeah.." I mumbled, looking for something to bind him and finding some sort of weird cuffs in his bag. "Lets just bind him for-"

I paused staring at his wound.

"Crap." It wasn't healing anymore. It started dripping blood again. Now i was definitely dead.

Chains. Chain him up first. Then worry about that.

At least he won't be as angry over being knocked out as he is over the failed healing?

Although it shouldn't have failed...

Slowly I clicked the chains on his hands and feet, watching them glow briefly before taking root into the ground.

Whoa... Faery's have some scary stuff.

I moved all his knives away just incase.

Next... to heal his wound. I'm a witch and I keep my word, so even if I kill him I should heal him... I think?

This wasn't going at all as planned.

Kian POV

I woke up to pain in my side and my limbs restrained.

That bitch. A snarl ripped out of my throat.

Not only was I not healed but the witch used my own restraints against me.

"Your awake!" She squeaked out from a far distance. "It uhm must have been a lot of dustflower pollen because it appears that the cure isn't really working and your body passed out from the strain of trying to heal."

"Liar." I growled out, "do you know what happens when you cross a Fae?"

"They let you off with a warning?" She squeaked.

"No." I sneered, "they rip out your entrails."

"Oh..." she shook a bit, "but that would require use if your hands... which you don't have right now right?"

"Bitch." I snarled.

"Im sorry! I miscalculated! But uhm im gonna fix it customer."

"Your going to die." I promised.

"Thats not an acceptable form of payment customer..." she slowly approached me. "I packed a spell in the wound and stitched it up... it should help... ill get us some food. Do you like vegetables and fungi... or do fae need meat? I make great frog."

I jerked the chains as she came closer, unable to actually do anything with them rooted deep in the earth, my legs were firmly on the ground and my arms pinned behind my back.

"Uhm fish then?" She asked meekly. "I really didn't mean for this to happen. I did miscalculate. I was just gonna get you healed up and on your way. But things didn't work out that way and something told me you would kill me because of that. So I uhm. Took precautions?"

"You're dead when I get out of these."

" how do you feel about being in chains forever? I think I like you like that customer.. I'm just gonna take some payment for the food."

Woman plucked up a few of my weapons and my flask of fae wine.


Im pretty much being robbed by a swamp witch.

Dead. Shes dead.

Im going to fucking kill her.

Slowly, I chanted the emergency release spell for the chains in the language of the Fae.

Her eyes widened as the cuffs popped off one by one.

Then with my things she tried to jump into the pond.

I grabbed her by the ankle dragging her back. "NO!" She screamed, kicking out.

She hit my wound twice but I was too pissed to care.

Then suddenly she was speaking in tongues and a vine sprouted from the ground and wrapped around my throat.

Instinctively I let go of her and she rushed into the pond as I tore the vine to shreds.

Fuck knows how deep it goes but the woman would need to surface eventually.

And I'm killing her when she does.

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