Chapter seven

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Assalamu Alaikum guys! Hopefully you are all in good health and happy.
Here is the new chapter, enjoy it and vote!!

Please pray for me as I have three hard exams coming up in the next five days. Jazakum Allahu khayran.♥️♥️

Check the media section👆🏽and have a happy Gum3a!

I opened youtube to find a short video to demonstrate the process, I found a short 2 minutes one and I clicked on it. Trying to calm her enough so she won't wake Haitham, I watched the video carefully and the mom changing the diaper made it seem like a piece of cake so that calmed me a bit.

I shuffled through the dark room trying to find her a diaper and her rash cream, I ended up using what she had in her diaper bag to speed up the process and then I placed her on the changing table at the far end corner at Haitham's room and started changing her.

It wasn't easy, she kept fussing and trying to escape and I was having a hard time cleaning her up. It took me around 10 minutes to get everything in place and get her inside her onesie once more. What surprised me though was the fact that Haitham hadn't even stirred which clearly indicated that he was in fact super worn out.

Taking the SNS in a hand and Lina cradled to my chest, I headed downstairs to prepare her formula, her feeding time was nearing and I wanted her bottle to be ready. I boiled the water and placed 2 spoons of the formula in the bib of the SNS. I tempered the milk with some cold water and tried it on my head to see if it was okay. Just then my mother in law emerged through the door with Lara at her tail carrying lots of groceries.

"Salam habebti." She beamed at me. Surprised to see me.

"Wa alaiki el salam tante." I replied fondly while greeting Lara who fell face first on the couch.

"What are you doing?" She asked me emptying the bags in a hurry and putting everything away.

"I was just preparing Lina's formula." I replied, shaking the bottle to mix the content of it.

"Do you need help placing the SNS?" She asked filling herself a cup of water from the dispenser.

"Jazaki Allahu khayran tante, I think I can manage this time. I just need a place to sit... Haitham is sleeping in his room.." I trailed.

"Lara, get your bum up and take Amina to my room please." She said sweetly to her groaning daughter. Lara is eighteen years old. Usually she is the sweetest person but she looked quite exhausted and looked like she wanted to sleep.

We went upstairs, Lara leading the way and me with a fussy baby behind her. She lit up the room and excused herself closing the door behind her. Placing the baby on the bed, I started cooing at her to distract her while I placed the silicone tube of the SNS on me and taped it place making sure that it is aligned with my nipple and then I took the baby and tried to make her latch on me.

It took her two minutes to get a good grip before I started seeing some air bubbles on the top part of the bottle, soothing me that she was drinking. Her feeding time is every 3 hours as Haitham mentioned earlier, so I was trying to make sure that I was on the clock.

It took her about 20 minutes to finish the bottle leaving only a little bit. I was so thankful that she was eating properly, I couldn't wait for her to gain a few pounds so she could be a fluffy baby.

I disregarded the SNS and burped Lina in the process, ruining my tank top with spit. Nevertheless, I cooed at her calling her every endearment in the book.

I heard a knock on the door, calling a quick come in. Haitham emerged from behind the door looking a little fresher after his two hours nap.

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. He looked really good, his hair was sticking in every direction and his eyes were sleepy, he looked really cute. I realized I was staring and not talking, so I cleared my throat and told him that I wanted him to rest because he looked dead tired.

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