Chapter nine

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Happy friday people!!! May Allah bless you all.♥️
Don't forget to read Surat Al Kahf today insha'Allah.

I want you guys to tell me if you like the story or no. Is it just a pass time for you guys, or are you always eager to find out what will happen next?

The next morning we hurried to get ready and head to the doctor. My appointment was at 12 and it was now 11:45, Haitham and I were waiting in the waiting room of the hospital. We left Lina with my mother in law. We didn't want to bring her to the hospital unless absolutely necessary.

"Mr and Mrs. Al Ashram." The nurse pronounced Haitham's surname with difficulty. I uttered a quick Bismillah and we headed inside. Dr. Hunter greeted us, she was a petite woman, maybe in her forties, she had on a balck form fitting dress and the infamous lab coat.

"What can I do for you today Mrs. Amina?" She asked, glancing at my file. It was not my first visit to doctor Hunter, I suffered from some lady issues before and she helped me greatly.

"Dr we wanted you to prescribe me a medication that induces lactation." I said getting straight to the point. "You see, we recently adopted a little girl, and I wanted to breastfeed her." I added not letting her in on the complete truth. It was no one's business.

"I already tried the SNS and she loves the skin to skin contact. But I want that extra special bond." I clarified glancing at Haitham who was looking at me in awe.

"Congratulations, that is great news." She began. "Well usually I prescribe my patients a hormonal treatment that tricks the body into thinking that you are pregnant, but that takes 2-3 months to work. But I believe you don't want to wait that much?" She asked me.

"I don't." I replied. I wanted something that worked a little faster. The SNS was not the most convenient device out there.

"Well then I will give you Domperidone, you will take 3 tablets a day, it will increase the levels of prolactin in your body and the milk should come in after a week or so, but you will have to use a breast pump regularly. To induce and speed up the process." She said writing the name of the medication on a paper and the exact dosage and then she added: "I want to see you in two weeks to make sure that there are no unusual side effects."

"What are the usual side effects?" Haitham asked the Dr.

"You have nausea, diarrhea, breast enlargement, breast pain, abdominal cramps, irregular menstruation." The Doctor said.

"But I don't want you to worry, they resemble the symptoms of what new moms go through, so You won't miss a thing." She added lightly, addressing me.

"How convenient." I joked to ease the tension building in the room.

"Use an electric pump every three hours each day to make the milk come faster." She said, recommending a good pump. "Keep in mind that dry pumping is not the most comfortable thing, so you will need a good nipple cream."

This just keeps getting better and better!

We ended our visit and headed to the nearest CVS to buy the medication, the pump and the cream. I was silent throughout the car ride. My mind was going overdrive. Was I ready to commit with my body?

My body was not perfect. I knew that, but breast enlargement will surely cause weight gain. I kept on reminding myself that I was doing that for Lilo's sake and that insha'Allah nothing bad would happen.

"Are you okay?" Haitham asked, breaking me out of my stance. When I didn't answer he added: "I knew I was asking too much of you, you don't have to do that Amina." He said in a compassionate tone.

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