Chapter 8: What ❤️

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-Kisin p.o.v-


What the hell, now?!

I was hearing my pass go off as I had my bag by my side.

Walking home can't be hard enough?

I was taking my way through an alley when I took my pass and pressed it against my chest, making me go into soul form

It's irritating that Misana doesn't have to change to fight if she's just patrolling, but I, of course, have to.

I had a normal Shinigami outfit, but instead my zampaktou was already in shikai when I transformed, it was a large one that hung off my back with a red string that went with my uniform to hold it in place

My blade was long and had a black length with the dull side and a white blade for cutting.

I looked up and saw the air stiffen, like even it knew the hollows were here.

I saw my body and just sat it up so it looked normal and I took off, jumping on the nearest building, looking at my phone and looking around

"It should be around here..?"

I mumbled then I heard a ear pitching scream that made me glare behind me

It was coming from north of the town, I have to Check that now

I jumped over the many buildings holding my sword on my back and making a large leap every time I went over a gap from building to building

"Slow down kid, you'll HURT YOURSELF!."

I heard a voice and looked around, it was that reitsu I sensed but it was more menacing, and it was right by me, then I felt a spur of pain in my side as I was pushed onto another roof top.

I know it wasn't a blade but it might have been concentrated reitsu at his finger tips

I groaned in pain as I looked up to see a figure in the distance and i fastened my pace

"Kisin Kurosaki, My have you grown"

I heard and got to my feet getting a good look at this guy, He had a white long shirt with a Espada look to it, crap, and his long purple hair, he was very tall and had purple eyes along with it, then I saw a woman appear behind him with a pixie cut hair style that was green and pink eyes, he had a sword over his waist and she had one across her chest on her back

"I thought Hueco Mundo couldn't open a portal to the soul society or the world of the living?!"

I yelled and she stepped up in her boots and pointed to a necklace they both had, that had a key on it.

"The soul society gave these to us years before you were born, since we stopped something that would have destroyed the soul society and world of the living"

They said and I gave a eyebrow with widened eyes, the soul society. The old man, giving espadas keys to roam freely around the world of the living and the soul society?!

"-as long as we don't abuse that power and we help the soul society, then we will be fine to move around as we wish, but only with permission from your head captain."

He said glaring at her and she gave a nervous laugh, then aren't pulling their weapons out at me yet..

"Wait, who the hell are you guys then?!"

I said franticly as I tried to make of the situation

He looked at me and chuckled softly, with a humble look

"You have your mother attitude kid, I'll give you that"

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