Yet another nightmare

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Dream mode~

Class was finally over and I put all my stuff in my locker I found a note in it and it said meet me at the host club in 5 minutes. I walked down to the host club and open the doors everything was different the clocks were running counterclockwise, the room was half lit and kirimi was there with a cat in her hand. she was rocking side to side and kept saying "he's coming the bad man is coming" over and over. the clock slightly kept getting louder with every tick. I looked around to find anybody else but there was only kirimi and then the clock struck 12 and 3 loud dongs were herd. then kirimi said frightened "he's here." I looked behind me and herd somebody inching closer to us. I turned back to kirimi and she was gone. I then see usa-chan with tiny shoes and clothes on. "I have been waiting for you~" usa-chan says with a high pitched voice. (Like bubbles from power puff girls) "you can talk!?" I asked. "Well duh, now come on." usa says. I follow usa-chan through a huge tunnel and then usa stops. "this is as far as I take you. hope you survive on your trip~." Usa says creepily. "wait what do you mea- I was cut off by usa-chan pulling a huge lever and I fall through the floor. "aaaah!!" I scream and I land near the fountain outside. "ouch, that hurt." I say. I try to get up but I think I broke my leg. "my, my, my, that was a nasty fall." I hear a person say. "Indeed it was."I hear another person say. I looked around and found Tamaki there with renge. Tamaki was wearing a cosplay sailor moon outfit and Renge was wearing a lobelia girls academy uniform. this is so wrong. "do you think you guys can help me?" I ask. they look at each other and laugh. "silly goose you are standing." renge said. I look down and I was indeed standing. strange and then another bell rang and they started freaking out. "oh no he's here gotta go bye!" They say together and use a smoke bomb then vanish. Then I here footsteps again and see hunny senpai.
"Hey kao-chan follow me! It's an emergency." He starts running I follow but he's just too fast like a ninja.(naruto) then I lose him and find myself falling again. this time on something soft and squishy. It was cake. and I see hunny eating some.
Mori then takes hunny's cake away and throws it out. what is going on here. I thought to myself. "hey do you guys know where my brother is." I ask. then the setting changed and I was in a room by myself with mirrors. I walked all the way down and see a reflection of hikaru. "your almost there." he says and disappears. then the mirror breaks and a path opens. I enter and find Kyoya sitting at a table full of money and him smiling. creepy. I shut the door and then a path is infront of me I walk down it and I see 2 figures holding hands I start running until I feel all numb and then when I approach them they don't even notice me I tired everything. I touched Hikaru's hand and I just went right threw him I-I was invisible!? "Hikaru, say you love me." haruhi said to hikaru. "I love you haruhi." hikaru says. "hikaru..say you hate Kaoru forever and don't want anything to do with him." haruhi says and smirks at me. she can see me?! What's going on. I say as I feel I'm about to cry. then hikaru says. "I hate Kaoru forever and don't want anything to do with him. I only need you haruhi." he says and kissed her on the cheek. I run away and find myself in the woods and everyone and everything kept saying he doesn't care, he doesn't need you, you are not wanted. then I stopped running when I saw Tamaki up ahead by the schools exit. "how'd I get back here?" I say aloud. "Kaoru hitachiin, you are hereby announced expelled from ouran academy. farewell." Tamaki says. and closes the door. as the door is closing hikaru is there watching me with haruhi smirking and then they leave together happy that I am gone.


Hikaru POV

I wake up to Kaoru crying in his sleep. "no hikaru don't go." he says. I hug him tightly. "I knew something was wrong." he stops crying and I think is feeling better now. He nuzzles my neck and continues to sleep. I then soon fall asleep myself. only 2 more hours until we have to get ready. Kaoru I hope you're ok, I hate seeing you like this.

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