Stronger than you

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Previously on the lost twin-

"Hello my most wonderful princess haruhi." I say.

Inner thoughts- Hikaru, please,HELP ME!!!!

"So kaoru, How've you been?" Haruhi says.  "I've uhh been good" I say trying to keep my cool. I just have to make it through this and then I'll be fine. I see hunny walk over with some cake and coffee for us. "Here you go~" he says with a cute smile. "Thanks a lot hunny senpai" I say out of politeness. Then start eating the cake awkwardly.

Haruhi inner thoughts

Operation pay back is going according to plan. *smirks slightly* damn it did I just accidentally smirk!? Hopefully he didn't notice...all I gotta do it reach for the cake ever so slightly and...


I see haruhi smirk and I get a little frightened. What is with this girl?! Hikaru, I wish you were here right now so-
"Do you mind if I sit closer to you kaoru?" She asks but moves closer anyways even though I didn't say. "U-uh" I try to speak up but choke slightly. "Here try some of my cake" she grabs my chin and feeds me the cake. What the heck is going on here something is definitely up but what?! stay calm kaoru just breath and be, calm. (Listen to song/video now! Or before this part!) Is it any good? I didn't try it yet so I was just wondering." She takes a sip of the coffee and sets it down. "Omigosh this is so good here try some!" She says excitedly.

*splash, crack, sizzle~*

"Aaah! Ugn it burns!" I yell get up and run out the room to get help.

"Kao-chan!" Hunny yells
"Kaoru!, I'm sorry! It was an accident!!" Haruhi yells. - I try so hard to hide my smirk I let my bangs cover my eyes and try to look sad. (Slight haruhi Pov)

"Why...why ME!?" I ran and ran (I run and run a thousand miles) until I couldn't breathe that well I went to the boys bathroom took off my shirt and see a huge red mark on my abdomen and a little below. I poke it a little. "Ugn, this isn't gonna be good."


I see haruhi smirk, and I get a little frightened. "Can I sit closer to you?"
"It was an accident!"


I look at myself in the mirror in shock a little. Then ball my hands into a fist and grit my teeth. "It was an accident" I say and go to the nurse office.


"Oh my stars what happened to you deary?!" She says shocked.
"Oh I was drinking coffee and it slipped and spilled on me, heh I'm a klutz." I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"Well next time be more careful. Here take a seat and we'll get you cleaned right up.

Time skip to hitachiin manor~

I walk upstairs to me and Hikaru's room to find him playing video games. He stops and looks at me still shirt less with cream on my tummy.

"Kaoru what happened?!?!" He asks concerned. "Just a little accident at school nothing to worry about" I say. "Kaoru, nothing to worry about, what kind of crap is that, your hurt badly! For all I know something worse could have happened and all your gonna say is nothing to worry about?!" He raises his voice. "Hikaru" I say in a whisper but I know he heard me he rushes over to me and gives me a hug making sure to not mess up the cream on my tummy. At least he still cares. I smile and hug him back. He lets go and looks at me. He smirks. "Wanna play doctor?" He says. "Nooo" I whine and start running away.

Please read.

Hello guys it's me sorry I haven't updated but ITS VACATION. YAY! I've been busy but I haven't forgotten about u guys I say to myself "shoot I need to update" and try but can't but I'm back! And I've been making different one shots too in my next book after my Pluto x reader book but for now enjoy~
Oh yeah and there is going to be a part two for this chapter Oooh and another thing is I went to anime Boston 2016 and it was awesome. The sad thing about it was that I didn't take many pics of various anime characters, mostly fairy tail because I was in a fairy tail photo shoot! It was fun but I tried to get as many pics the last day that's gonna be based on another book I'm making. It's one shots about fairy tail characters ^_^ anyways ENOUGH TALK MORE WRITE! Bye~

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