We're through

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Hikaru POV

I wake up in the morning and walk out to the patio. I look out at the ocean and think to myself what I should do with my relationship and kaoru. I space out until I hear a voice say out of nowhere "hi baby. What are you thinking about on this beautiful day." Haruhi said. "oh just thinking about kaoru. he's been acting weird lately and I want to know what's up. we barely talk anymore and I miss him." I say to her. "*sigh* hikaru~ just forget about him!" she whines. "No haruhi I can't he's my brother and I love him." I say firmly slightly raising my voice. "Hikaru you have to move on. you have me and pretty soon kaoru will have someone too." she says. "no haruhi. listen I don't know what's been up with you for the past few days and it's really bothering me. if you don't like my brother then you might as well not like me. listen haruhi were through." I say and walk down towards the beach. "h-hikaru are you breaking up with me!?" She yells. "good day miss fujioka." I say sassily and walk away from the situation.

Haruhi POV

*breaks down and cries*Damn him. damn that kaoru. he's done something to my hikaru to make him do this. I'll get you for this kaoru just you watch. he is gonna pay. "better watch your back kaoru hitachiin *laughs evilly*." I say and walk inside to go in my room and think about...stuff.

Hikaru POV again

I walk into kaoru's room and see him sleeping soundly. I go over to his bed and lightly shake him. he tossed over and says "no thank you I don't want any tea." He's just the cutest. I shake him again and then he says "h-hikaru.....I love you." I start to feel warm in the cheeks and start to freak out a little. what does he mean by that?! Why am I blushing! What's going on here? And in that moment Kaoru finally wakes up. "good morning hikaru." he says sleepily. "Good morning kaoru. so do you wanna hang out today?" I ask. "sure I would like that" he says with a smile and I leave to let him get ready.

I walk out to the patio and see him walking towards me. "so hikaru what are we gonna do?" He asks. oh I kinda actually want to talk to you about something. lets go for a walk." I say. once we were a good distance away from the beach house I sit down and Kaoru sits next to me. "ok you know that me and haruhi have been going out right?" I ask. "yeah, I do." he says. "well yeah what I wanted to tell you was that I broke up with her." I confessed. "wait what?!" He says shocked. "yeah it was weird like every time I tried to hang out with you or around you she would always get jealous and stop me. I'm sorry kaoru." I say and hug him. "it's ok hikaru." kaoru says back. then we both walk back to the beach house and meet up with the rest of the guys.

Once we arrived we all had a discussion about haruhi's behavior.

Kyoya POV

"Alright so you all know why you have been summoned here and this is a major problem with our friendship and of course the happiness of our ladies at the club due to the jealousy of haruhi. if this jealousy gets worse than there will have to be consequences. does anyone have anything to say about this situation?. I say.

Hikaru- I just don't get why Haruhi is jealous of kaoru. what did he do to her.

Hunny- yeah kao-chan didn't do anything to haru-chan. she's probably is jealous of kao-chan because of how close they are and is selfish about hika-chan being hers.

Mori- yeah.

Tamaki- what! How dare you call my beloved haruhi selfish and talk bad about her, Mommy!

Kaoru POV

I listened to what everyone had to say and realized that whatever happens from here on out I have to be strong and make decisions on my own. then the meeting ended and I went into the living room and sat on the couch upside down thinking about what's going to happen tomorrow. "That's right tomorrow's school." I thought to myself. Better get packing then.

Everyone packed their things and we were going back home in the hitachiin family limousine. the ride was really awkward because of haruhi. she kept glaring at me and giving me dirty looks. I felt so uncomfortable but then hikaru wrapped his arm around my neck and smiled. "it's ok Kaoru I'm here." he whispers." I smile back and nod.

Haruhi was the first one dropped off then Tamaki, followed by kyoya, hunny mori and then we were finally home!

"What a weekend." I say. "yeah you could say that again." hikaru said. we went to our room and put our stuff down. after we were settled and stuff I got undressed into my boxers. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that hikaru was calling me. "Kaoru!" Hikaru says catching my attention. "oh sorry hikaru I was just thinking." I say. "are you ok Kaoru, you looked sad when you were thinking." he says. I was sad though in fact even depressed. I couldn't stop thinking about what haruhi said to me. "yeah hikaru I'm fine honest." I say forcing a smile. "Kaoru stop lying I know your not ok and I'm worried about you." I was slightly shocked by this. then I look down with my bangs over my eyes. hikaru walks up to me and hugs me. he walks me to the bed and we sit down. I hold his hand tightly not wanting to let go but then I let go took a deep breath and felt fine. hikaru hugged me one more time and says "everything is going to be ok." "Thanks hikaru I appreciate it, goodnight." I say and go to sleep.

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