School day Hosting And putting on fake smiles

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~school~ kaoru Pov

During our class time I felt very uncomfortable. She just kept starring at me with this calm but intimidating face. I try to brush it off and to let it not bother me but I slowly turn my head to face her and smile the darkest smile ever. "Ummm..." I was cut off by her giggling. " hehehe, kaoru, I have a surprise for you~" haruhi says. "Teacher may I be excused!" I say but try to keep my cool. The teacher excepts and I wander the halls. As I was leaving I kept hearing people whispering but I just ignored it. There was only one thing that I knew and was stated truly. THAT GIRL IS PSYCHO.

Haruhi Pov

I turn my face to my boyfriend hikaru. Isn't he just dreamy. I love him soo much I just can't stop starring at him. I can't wait until he sees what's gonna happen later. *giggles*

Hikaru Pov

I sense someone starring at me and get frustrated. I don't like when people do that, like get a dam life why don't cha? I turn my head slightly to the right and notice haruhi starring at me with googoo eyes. I tense up and feel sweat forming around the facial area. I look at her fully. "Umm..." I say. "Babe, did you know that you look really cute when your focused?" She says. I was shocked. "Excuse me?!" I said aloud...maybe a little too loud. "Mr. Hitachiin." The teacher said. "Y-yes sir" I say uneasily because of the memory of the last punishment kaoru and I received because of that prank with the lobster and the bucket...and about the other time with the "masked murderer" incident.. "One more outburst like that and it's the principles office for you young man." He said firmly. "Sorry mr. Kizumi" I say apologetically looking down at my desk. But then haruhi started talking again. I tried to ignore her but the things she was saying really pissed me off. "Wow baby, I can't believe your brother just went and abandoned you like that. See this is exactly why I don't bother with him, he doesn't understand how others feel because of his dumbass actions but me, I will never abandon you my love." She leans in closer and says "Kiss me" in a whisper. I stand up outraged. "ARE YOU CRAZY. WHO DO YOU THINK I AM. ITS ONE THING TO TALK ABOUT ME LIKE YOU KNOW ME BUT TO DIS MY BROTHER!?" I was so mad that I forcibly grabbed haruhi's wrist tightly and.... "MR. HITACHIIN TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE. NOW" the teacher yelled furiously. I let go flipped my desk over and stormed off to the principles office.

"Hikaru hitachiin I hear by forbid you from participating in club activities for one week." He said sternly. " but sir I," I was cut off. "No buts, now get back to class" he said. "Yes sir😔"

I wander the halls before I go to class. I ended up skipping cause lunch starts in 3 minutes anyways. "UGH THAT GIRL IS CRAZY!!"

Normal Pov

The lunch bell has rung and hikaru wandered to the lunch room. He was one of the first few people there since he wasn't in class. Pretty soon kaoru shows up and boy was he glad to see his twin. Something weird was going on they both noticed how each other wasn't looking their usual selves. Hikaru explained his situation to kaoru but kaoru kept his a secret, he didn't want to burden his brother. So they both decided to talk to tamaki about his "daughter's" recent behaviors. They arrived to music room 3 and found tamaki there playing the piano, hunny eating some cake and Mori sleeping at the table.

"Well well well what a pleasant surprise we have here. Hikaru, kaoru, what brings you hear during this wonderful hour." Tamaki says while playing beautiful music on the piano.

Hikaru- "well boss"
Kaoru- "if you must know"
Both- "it's about your daughter haruhi"
They say in sync.

"Oooh it's about haru-chan~" hunny says.
"Seashells" Mori says in his sleep.

"It's about haruhi?! Has she been talking about me? Thinking about me?! Ooh what she say what she say!" Tamaki stops playing and jumps with joy.

"Well ya see..." They twins say in sync.
They explained to tamaki the main idea of what was happening and he said.
"Oh she's just having fun with you guys even though daddy doesn't approve😭 I know haruhi is a very magnificent girl and I know that those things that you are telling me are probably just because of a phase or a bad day. I'm pretty sure she'll get over this soon, promise." He smiles his determined smile.

Time skip~ club times

Kaoru Pov

I wandered the halls alone and sad that hikaru can't be here with me. Some of the girls looked at me and felt bad but still started to fangirl over me the lost twin. "Awe it's okay kaoru I'll walk with you if you'd like?" One said. "Thank you my princess but that is quite alright. I say mellowly and kiss her hand. She squeals of excitement and I chuckle. Then continue to music room 3. I get set up at my table and was relieved that we didn't have to dress up today, and another thing was haruhi took the club time off. Phew. Finally I will be left alone!. "The ladies will be here any minute men" Kyoya said and then the room was flooded with different beautiful princesses. I smiled. But then when I looked at who was walking my way , my smile faded. "What the..." I whispered to myself. She sat at my table and smiled a very bright smile. "Hello kaoru~" my mouth was ajar and I closed it and put on yet another fake smile but tried to stick with it. "Hello my most wonderful princess haruhi." I say.

Inner thoughts -

Hikaru, please, HELP ME!!!!

*ending song plays*

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