Prepare for trouble! And make it double~

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Kaoru Pov

"Ugh that idiot is blind he doesn't see that haruhi is a twisted child!" Hikaru says. "Hikaru calm down. You know what we have to do. We have to make him see it for himself." I say in a revengeful way. "Aah, I like how you think." He says

The next day~

We wrote a note to Kyoya to tell him and tamaki to meet us out in the club room. And also haruhi on a deprecate note from Hikaru. It was early in the morning so not that much people were here. We were all in our positions. The door opens. It's haruhi. "Hikaru my darling I'm- oh why are you here trash bucket?" Haruhi went from s lovely-dovey  voice to hatful one. "I just wanted to talk to you haruhi." I try to reason with her and possibly apeak my mind. "Talk? There's nothing to talk about you worthless shadow." Haruhi kicks me in the stomach. "I already told you once that you are nothing to me and can't get in the way of me and Hikaru's relationship." She spat at me. "W-*cough*what relationship.?" I say. She scoffed and before she could say anything else. "I've heard enough." Tamaki pops out of nowhere. "T-tamaki?" Haruhi says surprised. "So it was all an act? Spilling the tea on kaoru, your smile?" Tamaki was serious for once.  "I'm afraid so. According to my research, the tea incident, the letters, the harassment, the bullying, everything was real tamaki." Kyoya butted in. "Wait Kyoya you knew?" Me and Hikaru asked. " well at first I didn't know but then I noticed that haruhi was acting really weird so I started to study her and I seen her with the tea incident and the letter you dropped yesterday. I just needed some more proof and to get this one to open his eyes." He says. "Haru-chan. Why?" Hunny came out of nowhere with Mori. "Haruhi. Big no no" he shakes his head and scolds her. She just stood there with her eyes wide. "I really liked you haruhi but now I know that it was all just a bad dream. This type of behavior is not tolerated here. Or even anywhere. I'm sorry kaoru fit noticing now. Sorry I was so stupid. Haruhi fujioka. I hereby ban you from the host club. Tamaki says strictly.

"B-b-but H-how?" She stutters. "You see when you mess with one twin, you mess with both of them." Me and Hikaru say together. "It was quite simple actually, ya know with your crazy obsession over me it was easy to trick you. And we also knew that the other hosts were getting kind of suspicious of your behavior and then tada this is what the outcome was. Hikaru says in a mocking manner. We came up with this plan because we knew you weren't gonna stop bothering kaoru anytime soon.

"I hate you kaoru." She glares at me. "Shut up you lightning scaredy cat. " I hiss at her.  "And since my father is the headmaster of this school I can also "call the shots" here too, haruhi fujioka, you are hereby expelled from ouran, forever." He says. The whole room went silent but nobody objected. Haruhi ran out the room and tamaki went to go tell his father.

Our job as a host is to make every girl happy.

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