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"H-hikaru where are you!" I run as fast as I can through the halls of our mansion. I run into our room and it's filled with pictures of us together scattered all over the room. I pick up one of the pictures and see that someone has cut out my picture and put haruhi's picture where I was.
"Who could of done such a thing." I say aloud. I felt out of place like out of the picture. I rush out the door of our room and see a figure. "Hikaru!" I yell. The figure turned around but it was not hikaru it was haruhi.
"H-haruhi what are you doing here?" I ask. "Cut the crap kaoru." she says firmly. "huh?" I ask. "you know good and well that hikaru is mine." She says sassily. "you mean?." I ask. "that's right I was the one who cut the photos of you next to hikaru and put my picture instead" she says. "but why?" I ask. "because I love him and hikaru is mine you don't deserve hikaru only I do." She says. "No!" I say. "Hikaru is not yours he is mine and you'll never love him like I do!" I yell. "Hmm perhaps your right she says while taking something out of her back pocket. (Takes out a knife) "with you out of the picture I will have hikaru all to myself." "H-haruhi wait!" that's all I can say before I feel a sharp pain in my chest. "Sorry kaoru it's for the best it was destiny"

Kaoru pov.

I wake up from that terrible nightmare and check the place where haruhi stabbed me. "phew still alive." I say to myself and snuggle up to hikaru for a warm and tight embrace.

Hikaru pov

I wake up to kaoru's tight embrace. he's so cute when he sleeps I thought. I get up gently so I won't awaken kaoru from his slumber and creep downstairs to see what's for breakfast.
Looks like our favorite. kaoru is going to be so happy. I can't wait until he gets up. I walk into the kitchen and wait for him.

Kaoru POV

I wake up to hikaru not being there.
I got scared. I ran into every room on the second floor and then ran downstairs into the kitchen.*slam!*
"Hikaru!" I yell. "Your finally awake kaoru." hikaru said.
I ran over to hikaru and hugged him. "don't scare me like that hikaru." I say.
"Ok ok kaoru. look what is for breakfast." hikaru said. "you mean?" I asked. "yup." hikaru said.
Skip- hikaru POV- on phone
"Hey haruhi let's go to the arcade today."
"sure sounds good."
"Great pick you up at 11:00"
"Ok see you then bye."

End. And now kaoru POV-

"Hikaru what are you gonna do today?" I asked. "Well I'm going to the huge arcade with haruhi today. why is there something wrong? he asked. "no just asking." I said slightly sad. "well if you need me I'll be upstairs." I say. "oh alright." hikaru said slightly disappointed.
When I went upstairs I fell face flat on the bed. *SIGH!* why does he always have to be around haruhi? why can't he just stay here with me? I thought. I know it sounds selfish but it's the sad truth. I love my brother soo much.

A few moments later-

"Kaoru I'm leaving now."hikaru said.
"What so soon!" I yelled. "yea I have to pick up haruhi." he said.
I got up and hugged him. "I'll be back later kaoru." he said. "promise?" I asked. "I promise,now I gotta go. love you kaoru." hikaru says. "love you too."
And after that he leaves. I shut my door and lean against it. my heart was beating so fast and I was blushing a deep red. "why'd I say that." I questioned myself and layed down on the bed.

Hikaru POV at haruhi's

"Hey haruhi, well you look awfully cute today. "t-thanks hikaru." she said while blushing. "let's go." I say cheerfully.
We get in the limo and go to the arcade. I feel haruhi lean on my shoulder to find her fast asleep. she looks so cute.
Once we arrive I shake her lightly so she can wake up. "haruhi wake up were here." I say softly. "huh are we there yet." she says sleepily. we get out the car and I take her to the arcade. I see her eyes widen. "W-wow hikaru I didn't know that the arcade was gonna be this awesome!" she says with a shocked expression. "haruhi are you just gonna stand there and be amazed or have fun with me?" I asked. she smiled and ran over to the games while I got the tokens.

Kaoru POV

"Ugh I'm so bored!" I say. "why why why why WHY!" I yell. "*sigh* I need to clear my mind." I say. my eyes got wide and I ran over to my laptop. I got the perfect plan. I go on gmail and start typing.
-Hey hunny, Mori do you wanna hang out with me at my beach house for a few days? I'm bored right now and hikaru is away for the time being so what do you say?-
I sent the message and started texting the rest of the host members to see if they were going.
Tamaki- sure of course I think it would be a wonderful idea- signed the prince~
Hunny- that would be wonderful me and takashi will bring the cake see ya then.
Kyoya- if Tamaki is going then I have no choice in going.
Mori- mm ok.
This is great see you all there in 2 hours bye- signed kaoru~
I got up and ran to get packed. This was going to be awesome and now I can finally clear my mind. I ran downstairs and asked some of the maids to go to the store and buy some snacks and food for the beach house sleep over and meet us there. after I went back upstairs and wrote a note to hikaru
Dear, hikaru
I am at the beach house with everyone else. we are going to be there for the weekend so see you later. love you.
Sincerely kaoru~ p.s. catch up with me.
After I ran downstairs put it on the fridge and went in the limo to go to the hitachiin beach house.


"The beds are prepared master hitachiin." one of the maids said. "the snacks are also prepared master hitachiin." The other maid said.
"Thanks you guys you are dismissed." I say." I walk into my room lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. "only 1 more hour." I say and fall into a deep sleep.
Skip at the hitachiin manor.

Hikaru POV

"Hikaru I'm hungry." haruhi whined. "yea me too." I say. I open the door and say "kaoru I'm home!" there was no response. I wander the house to see where he was at but then "hikaru come in the kitchen there's a note on the fridge." haruhi said. I walk into ge kitchen and read the note.

Dear hikaru,

I am at the beach house with everyone else. we are going to be here for the weekend so see you later. love you.
Sincerely kaoru~ p.s. catch up with me.
"So what does if say?" haruhi asked. "ne haruhi you wanna go to my beach house for the weekend?" I asked.
Skip at the beach house
"Master kaoru wake up the limo has arrived." I hear the maids say. I got up wiping the sleep out of my eyes and greeted everyone. "hi guys!" I say.
Hiya kao-chan!" hunny says cheerfully as ever. "hi." Mori says plainly. "yo." Kyoya says. "thanks for letting us stay here for the weekend kaoru." Tamaki said.
I show them to there rooms and wait until they get settled. *knock knock* " Come in." I say. "Hi kao-chan I just wanted to say thanks for letting me and takashi stay here for the weekend and how awesome this beach house is." hunny-senpai says. "your welcome senpai anytime." I say with a smile. "oh I forgot to ask kao-chan wheres hika-chan?" he says with a worried look on his face. "don't worry senpai he should be here any minute." I say. "That's good to hear!" he says with a smile. "oh senpai there is snacks on the kitchen table." I say. his face changes from happy to eager. "S-snacks. as in cake and stuff right." he asks. "yup." I say. "CAKE!!!" he yells as he runs off to the kitchen for his cake. I just laugh.

Hikaru POV

"Were finally here haruhi." I say. "woah I can't believe that this is your beach house it's beautiful." she says. I smile. we both walk up to the door and knock.
*knock knock*

Kaoru POV

"I'll get it!" I say. it's probably hikaru.
I open the door with a wide smile. but then my smile slightly fades but I hide it and try to contain my smile. "hikaru haruhi your here." I say and hug both of them. why was she here It wasn't suppose to be like this! they both come inside and the maids show them to their rooms. I walk into the bathroom, look into the mirror and say "this truly is a nightmare."

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