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Kaoru POV
I walk out of the bathroom and meet everyone in the living room. "ok everyone there's a huge ocean out back so what are we waiting for!" I say with a smile. "after we swim and play for a while the maids will make us a nice dinner." I add in. "Alright!" everyone said back.

I walk into my room and change into my swim trunks and bring a towel with me. I walk out the back porch and walk downstairs to meet hunny senpai.
"Hi kao-chan. this is awesome!" he says. "yea." Mori says with his usually normal deep voice. "hey kao-chan wanna swim with me?" hunny asks. "Sure." I say. and we run into the ocean. I wince at the cold water but then thought it wasn't so bad and splashed hunny. "take this kao-chan!" hunny yells. "aah." I say and hide under the water and do a sneak attack. "take this hah!" I come up from the water and splash hunny. we both laugh.
"Ok hunny I'm getting out." I say. "oh ok kao-chan." hunny say still swimming in the water.

Hikaru POV

I feel a tinge of jealousy as I see hunny and kaoru hanging out together and laughing like that. I see kaoru get out of the water. I run towards him
"Kaoru!" I yell "hikaru!" he yells back. I hug him tightly and wince at the wetness of his skin. I blush. " I've missed you kaoru. you didn't tell me you were gonna have a sleepover." I say pouting. "I'm sorry hikaru when you were out with haruhi I got bored and didn't know what to so then it hit me. why not have a sleep over." he says. "I'm sorry kaoru I didn't know." I say. "it's ok hikaru. hey do you wanna build a sand castle with me?" he says with a smile. "oh...sorry kaoru maybe later I promised haruhi we would go for a walk right now." I say. "oh ok." he says disappointed. "aw don't be sad kaoru we'll play later bye." I say.

Kaoru POV

I walk up the back porch steps and sit on the patio. "here you go master hitachiin." a maid said. "thank you yuki." I say back. She bows and walks away. I take a sip "hmm lemonade." I say and drink the lemonade irritatedly.
I sit there and watch Tamaki play with hunny and Kyoya just sitting around calculating some stuff and Mori just practicing some stances. I look to the side and see 2 figures in the distance.
"Tch." I say in disgust. "why'd she bring her. I thought he loved me?" I say bitterly. I finished my drink and build a stupid sand castle by myself.
"Hey kaoru may a join you?" tono asks. "sure tono." I say. "yea can me and takashi join too." hunny says. "Of course you can." and we build the sand castle together. all Kyoya did was jot things down in his stupid death note. (XD)


"We have finished our castle!" Tono says. "we've out did ourselves didn't we guys." I say. "Yea." Mori says. hunny just laughs. "excellent project you guys now huddle together and say cheese. I wanna put this picture on display for the ladies to see. "i knew it." I said in my head. we all smiled and said "cheese!" and he took the picture. it actually came out nice. but it was missing 2 certain people. just the thought of those two being all mushy makes me want to go on a rampage or throw up. maybe even both! I see them walk back and join the group I just walk inside and go in my room and take a long shower.

Hikaru POV

Hikaru- "hmm I wonder where kaoru is going."
Haruhi- "oh well hikaru just let him be. come on let's go inside and do something fun."
Hikaru- (something isn't right but what?) "ok haruhi."
We walk inside and decided to just sit on he couch and listen to some music.
I wonder where kaoru is? this question kept going on and on in my head until I said. "haruhi I'll be back." "oh ok hikaru hurry back~." she said sweetly.
I walk to kaoru's room and knocked on his door. "come in." he said. and I opened the door. "hey kaoru what are you up too?" I ask. "nothing much just came out of the shower." he said plainly. I feel a tinge of sadness and I randomly walk up to him and hug him and lay my head on his shoulder. "hikaru what's wrong?" kaoru asks softly in a concerned voice. "*sigh* I just miss you that's all" I say.
"Hikaru~!" I hear haruhi say sort of impatient. "*chuckles* you better get going before haruhi gets angry." kaoru says with a smile. "*chuckles* yea I guess your right. we'll hang out later ok?" I ask kaoru. "I would like that." kaoru says. Then I leave and go into the living room and continue being alone with haruhi.

Kaoru POV.

"Ugh." I say as I put my hand on my chest where my heart was. It was beating really fast. this happens all the time when hikaru gets close to me. what should I do? I'm so confused. I put on some orange shorts and a beige top and stare out my window to think as the soothing waves fill my room with it's beautiful song and washes my scars away.


I walk into the kitchen to see that the maids have prepared a lovely spread.
"Wow you guys outdid yourselves. thanks for all your hard work ladies." I say. "your ever so welcome master hitachiin." the maids say. then they take all of the food and bring it out on the back porch so that we can all eat together. when they were done the left for their break. "hey everyone. lunch is ready~!" I say. Everyone walks to the back porch and sits down and eats. "This is amazing." Everyone says in unison. I smile "glad you like it." I say.

Kaoru POV

I walk down onto the beach while everyone is inside and I think. I hear footsteps walk up to me. "hi kaoru we need to talk." haruhi says from behind me. "sure haruhi what's up?" I ask while facing her. "*sigh* ok kaoru I know you love your brother but you have got to stop hanging out with him he has a girlfriend now he doesn't need you anymore." She says. "what are you talking about haruhi he loves me just as much as you!" I say shocked by her words. "*sigh* I knew you wouldn't understand guess I just have to make myself clear. Listen to me kaoru hikaru doesn't love you anymore he loves me so I need you to back off because it's obvious that hikaru loves me. pretty soon he is gonna forget about you but don't you worry I'm sure you'll find happiness on your own when you GROW UP." Haruhi says bitterly.
"N-no your wrong." I say sadly about to break down and cry. "It's the sad truth kaoru deal with it. For you to only think hikaru is in love with you is only a dream. Oops did I say that out loud tch sorry." she says. tears stream down my face. "h-how did you-" I was cut off. "oh my sweet little kaoru. it was obvious I could sense it from a mile away. "your lying. It can't be. All those thing you've said... ARE ALL LIES!" I yell. "WAH WAH WAH cry all you want the truth hurts. this is only one of your little made up stories you know about the pumpkin turning into a carriage and whatever. but this is my story now about the lonely lost twin. see ya later kaoru~." she says evilly in a sing song voice skipping away like a middle schooler. I get up and run away still tears falling down my cheeks.

Skip- hunny POV

"Please oh please oh please let me have one more slice of cake takashi I promise I'll brush my teeth twice tonight." I whine. "you promise?" Takashi says in his manly voice. "yea I promise I promise." I say. "alright." takashi says and gives hunny the cake.
I get my fork and sit at the table I lightly puncture the cake and break a piece off. i take a bite it's soooo good! I take another bite. something's wrong. I devour the cake and look at Takashi.
"Mitsukuni." takashi says. "right." I say and we run to find the distressed source.

Skip- kaoru POV

I find a huge rock and walk up it (like in episode 8) I sit on it and cry my heart out looking at the ocean.
I hear footsteps again running towards me and I look up it was hunny- senpai and Mori- senpai. "Kao-chan what's wrong, what happened, who did this to you?!" Hunny- senpai said full if concern. "*sniff* h-haruhi." I say trying to stop crying. "hey takashi didn't hika-chan say haruhi was acting strange lately?" Hunny asks. "yea." Mori says. I was confused. "there is something changing in that girl. something bad." Mori continues.

Skip- after dinner.

I take another long shower. today was a long day and I was exhausted. I got out and put on my pajamas and go to sleep. "hikaru didn't say goodnight to me." I say while pouting. "these are my scars...the truth hurts. maybe...maybe haruhi was right." I curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep with pain in my chest.

Hikaru POV

"Hold on haruhi I have to say goodnight to kaoru." I say. "C'mon hikaru it's late just forget about kaoru. you have me." she says while hugging me into a tight embrace. "I love you hikaru." she says and kisses me on the lips. "mm." I groan and part away from her. "I love you too." I say back. And then she goes in her room and I go in mine and lay in my bed. "These are my scars." I hear a mysterious voice say. "what was that just now it was like a pain in my chest and that voice?!Probably just my imagination." I say and go to sleep.

A/n here's chapter two sorry I haven't updated in a long time I didn't know what to write next until today. so hope you enjoy and I'll try to update more now that I'm out of writers block. 😁

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