8. Note To Self...

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I wake up, to notice the room I'm in is still dark. I roll over, noticing a clock on the bedside table, 10:35. But why would it still be dark at- I cut off my own thoughts, remembering part of last night. Mikey and I played Truth Or Dare, but turned it into a drinking game like a couple of dumb teenagers... I remember getting a little drunk, but anything past that is a blur.

I roll over, preparing myself for what I might see next to me. Yep, Gerard... looking down at his sleeping face, he seems so innocent and sweet. He doesn't look like a psychopathic murderer. He's cute, like someone I'd bump into on "accident" on the street just to talk to... I continue examining his features and notice he's shirtless, before looking down at myself to see I am also missing... a few clothing items. A few being my shirt and pants, damn... drunk Y/N is a bitch. Note to self, don't get drunk with Mikey again.

"Hey Sugar," I hear Gerard speak up from where he's laying, I jump and almost fall off the bed, but he catches me. A hand rests on my waist and another on my wrist where he caught my arm. "Thanks," I mutter, scooting back onto the bed, "no problem..." he responds quietly. "Uh, Gerard did we-" I cut myself off and he looks up at me, in confusion, before it clicks "Oh, No! I know that may be what it looks like, but I swear Y/N, we did not... do that." He says nervously and I nod, "what happened?" I ask "you came down here, I tried to send you back upstairs. But you decided you had better ideas and before I could say anything else you had rushed across the room and started kissing me, very aggressively I might add. I tasted the alcohol on you and tried to stop you, but geez you were persistent... you managed to get my shirt off and a good bit of your clothes off, before I was able to stop you. You spent half the night whining-" he cuts himself off, before clearing his throat and doing a shitty impression of my voice "I need you to touch me Gerard~" as he says it, he slurs his voice and I cringe "god(s) I hope I didn't actually sound like that." I laugh "no, I actually couldn't understand what you were trying to say but something tells me it was along those lines since you had a sort of drunken lust in your eyes, it was weird, ten outta ten, do not recommend being stuck with a drunk Y/N." He chuckles.

It stays silent for a moment, until I break it "so what happened after that?" I ask "you broke down crying and asked why no one loves you..." he trails off "and?" I ask "I told you it was a lie and that I love you, Andy loves you, Frank loved you... I hated seeing you in tears like that, you asked me to sing you to sleep, which I did..." he trails off and I look down "I'm sorry you had to deal with that Gerard, I most definitely will not be getting drunk with your brother again... so we really didn't do anything?" I ask and he shakes his head "I couldn't take advantage of you being in that state, you'd hate me forever... plus I know if you were in your right mind you wouldnt come to me no matter how desperate you were for something like that..." he trails off looking at the ground.

Silence fills the room again and I look to the floor. "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you Gerard... I-I can give you another chance, If you'd like?" I ask and he looks up at me, "are you sure?" He asks and I nod slowly, "Andy's okay, right?" I ask and he nods "I let him go, he promised not to tell, thinking it was best for your sake... as if I'd hurt you..." he trails off and I look away "Frank's fine now too, by the way..." "how?" I ask, shock taking over my face, "I called 911, told them there was an accident, a misunderstanding, he got shot and they rushed over... they said if I wouldve called any later he wouldve been to far gone."

I sigh in relief and hug him "thank you Gerard..." I say quietly, he pushes me away gently "you dont need to thank me, but it would be great if you'd put some clothes on... I mean, it's not that you dont look good and that I dont wanna see you, I do and you're absolutely gorgeous, but uh... the fact I'm seeing you cause you were drunk kinda makes it a little uncomfortable..." he says quietly and I nod "right, lemme just find my clothes." I giggle, awkwardly climbing out from under the blankets.

"Wait-" he moves the blankets back over me, "I'll find them." He states, a bright red tint taking over his face, I smirk "what, suddenly you dont wanna see me?" I ask jokingly and he looks over at me, clearly flustered "I... I..." he goes silent and looks at the floor. "I was only teasing, I understand what you mean, thank you for caring about how I'd feel." I smile gently and he goes back to looking for where the hell my clothes got flung the night before. He IS kinda cute though... I reach up, resting my hand on my forehead, what is wrong with you Y/N? He almost killed Frank... and scared Andy away.

"I found your shirt!" He exclaims, halfway under the bed, "how the fuck did it end up under there?" I laugh as he wiggles out from underneath "I have no fuckin clue," he hands it to me and I slide it on, "now where the hell did drunk Y/N throw your pants?" He laughs and I shrug, "no idea..." he walks around the room before checking behind his couch, "found em!" He walks over to me and turns around, covering his eyes as I stand up and pull them on.

"You're good," I say quietly and he turns around, smiling "you really are absolutely beautiful Y/N..." he says quietly and I look down at the floor. "Thank you Gerard..."






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