11. I'm Sorry

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"Y/N..." his voice is gentle beside me, but I cant make myself turn to look at him or say a word. "Y/N, please..." he begs quietly and I tilt my head down to look at my hands on my lap. He sighs and I feel the pressure on the couch beside me lift as he moves himself so he crouches in front of me. I shut my eyes, not willing to lift my head, but still refusing to make eye contact.

I feel his gaze on my face as he looks up at me "Y/N please look at me..." he trails off "you know I'd never hurt you..." he whispers and I slowly open my eyes "there we go, hey there beautiful..." he says gently, resting a hand on my cheek, he sits there for a moment, waiting to see if I'll move away. For some reason, I don't and he decides he's safe to continue, "listen... I meant to wait with Frank until you got home that night... he's my friend, I would've never hurt him on purpose just like I'd never hurt you..." he says quietly, I dont respond, opting to stay silent.

"I dont know what happened, it's as if I blacked out and loss all control over my body... I guess maybe the darker side of me saw him as a threat and I dont know what happened... I woke up when I saw you crying over his body and I regret everything..." he whispers, I just continue to silently stare at him, tears that refuse to fall making my E/C eyes shimmer and sting a little. I reach up, rubbing my eyes, breaking the dam and allowing the salty tears to cascade down my cheeks like a waterfall. He sighs and rests his head in my lap, wrapping his arms around my waist, visibly showing his defeat. "I'm really sorry Y/N. Please don't cry..." he says gently, looking up at me from his resting place in my lap.

I sniffle quietly and move a hand from my side to his head. I gently brush my fingers through his orange hair and his eyes sparkle for a moment, before he shuts them, "I mean it Y/N.. I really am so-" I cut him off. "I forgive you," "wh-what?" "I forgive you..." he let's out a sigh of relief and look back up at me. "Hey, i have... I have a question," he says quietly, locking his beautiful hazel eyes with mine. "What is it?" I ask, continuing to run my fingers through his hair, "can-can I-" he cuts himself off, shaking his head "n-nevermind..."

I smile lightly, "well, would you mind if I did something?" I ask and he shakes his head "no, what i-" I cut him off, pulling his face up a bit and leaning down the rest of the way to press my lips to his. I stop right as we are about to make contact "is this okay?" I ask quietly, "perfect..." he breathes, before leaning up more so he's standing on his knees in front of me and closing the gap. The kiss is short and gentle, whilst also holding a passion and many unspoken words.

We pull away, keeping it short and sweet. He moves to rest his head in my neck, his warm breath tickles my neck as he whispers against my skin, "thank you sugar... I needed that." I feel his eyes flutter shut and I smile "dont fall asleep there, I cant hold you up Gee," I giggle and he sighs, moving away and standing up. He starts walking towards the basement door, before turning back around "come with me?" He asks, holding his hand out toward me. I get up, smiling, before walking over and grabbing his hand "sure." He leads me down the stairs and toward his bed.

"Much more comfortable then the couch," he smiles and I nod, he crawls under his blankets and holds them open for me, along with his arms "c'mere," he says happily and I smile "okay, okay," I giggle and crawl underneath the covers, into his arms. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head in the back of my neck. Its silent for a moment, before he breaks it "so you have a crush on me sugar?" He asks, I feel him smirk against my neck and my breathing hitches, "how did you-" I cut myself off, narrowing my eyes "mikey..." I growl.

He chuckles "yeah, he apparently took it upon himself to tell me, says you've been having trouble admitting it to yourself..." he whispers, pressing his lips to the back of my neck, "that's okay though..." he says gently, "no rush on figuring it out, I can wait." He says gently, his smirk fading into a gentle smile. His breathing evens out and I realize he's fallen asleep, I move back against him, pulling the blankets up and falling asleep quickly.

No nightmares fill my head for the rest of the night...


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