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(Geno's POV)

After I had done all my chores (as well as some of Reaper's, Dream had asked me to show some 'Hospitality'.) I headed back to my home.

Just to find him sitting on my couch.. It pissed me off, who does he think he is? Relaxing and all, not helping around MY HOUSE.

"Oh, heya Geno." Reaper spoke, his mouth full with an apple he was eating.

"Hey....." I said gritting my teeth trying to show a smile and not to sound irritated or annoyed.

I just left that room angrily and walked to the kitchen to make some food for myself. I was hungry after all. Doing my chores and Reaper's was not eas-

"Oi Geno, can you make some food for me too? Thanks!" I heard Reaper shout from the other room.



"How about you help me out with the food then?" I almost yelled.

"Nah, I'm a bit tired"


I stomped my way to the room he was in and grabbed him by the shirt, filled with rage and impatience.

"Listen here you fucking rat, I'm not your slave. The only reason I was treating you nicely was because THEY ordered me to. But it seems like you don't listen to me that way. And I'm getting impatient with ya. If you want food, MAKE IT."

I dropped him and went back to the kitchen. I cooked some food and went to the living room and ate.

Then I felt Reaper lean over me to look at my food and back at me.

"Well aren't you a rude one, you could at least have shared, it ain't a big deal."

Oh so I'm the rude one now. He was the one who pissed me off in the first place.
I was trying to be welcoming! And he returned that with impatience and rudeness.

"Rude? You were treating me like a slave. I don't work for anyone but Nightmare and Dream, and especially not you." I said with a growl.

"Either you can make this easy for the both of us, or I can make this difficult." Reaper menaced.

"Hah! I don't fear you, I don't fear anyone, so to hell with ya!" I said with a grin.

It felt good to insult him.

I was suddenly then shoved to the wall, pinned, and had a knife at my throat.

(Nobody's POV)

"WHAT THE FUCK-" Geno said struggling

"Look, I'm not the type to do things like this for myself, I make people do it for me. So either you make me food or I end you now. It's simple, and it's just some damn food." Reaper said in annoyance.

"Fine! But get that knife off of me!!" Geno snarled at Reaper.

Reaper did as Geno said and sat back down.

"Now go and make my food. You may be sheriff, but that doesn't mean you control everyone. Not me. And, don't tell anyone of this. I will have to deal with you if anyone finds out."

Geno went to his kitchen angrily.

(Geno's POV)

If only I could have had a weapon on me when that happened, then things would have ended up very differently.

I had then finished making food for Reaper.

"Food is ready." I said in a cold tone.

"See? Now was that so hard?" Reaper said as he got up and grabbed the plate of food and started eating.

I need to win that contest. I can't stand him. I want-.. no...


(Nobody's POV)

Geno had gone to his room to take a nap, but he refused to do so. After the incident that happened between him and Reaper, he didn't feel safe sleeping when Reaper was awake. So instead he read a book to pass the time.

But not soon after-

"OI GENO, COME AND WASH MY PLATE, IM GONNA HEAD SOMEWHERE" Reaper yelled from the table, as a chair could be heard moving. Reaper had probably gotten up.

Geno screamed into his pillow. He then got up and headed over to where Reaper was.
He seemed to be getting ready to go out.

"Where the hell are you going?!" Geno said in a frustrated and annoyed voice.

"If I'm going to stay here, I might as well have a little fun right?" Reaper said as he put his boots on.

"No no sir, you're going to wash your damn plate first." Geno growled.

"Do you need me to remind you of the thing that happened when you didn't want to make me some food?" Reaper spoke in a calm yet dark tone.

"No, but if you want me to stay in your little bet, you better wash that plate, or I'm bailing. Plus, it's just a damn plate isn't it?" Geno said.

Reaper stayed quiet and stared at Geno.

(Reaper's POV)

I should have never told him the 'it's just food' thing, now he's using it against me. All I did was threaten him! Not like I was going to actually kill him. I had persuade him somehow, he just wouldn't cooperate. But, I have to admit, his way of convincing me is effective. I don't want to risk my chances of becoming rich..

This is will be the last time I do this.

I grabbed my plate and washed it

"Better?" I said in annoyance.

"Very much," Geno said with a triumphant voice.

I then left his ranch and headed to the bar in town, got drunk and-

I woke up in my bed somehow..


(Nobody's POV)

Geno walked into Reaper's room and leaned on the door frame while holding a mug with coffee

"Do I seriously have to treat you like a child and babysit you?" Geno sipped on his coffee after speaking, grinning slightly.

"What happened?-" Reaper said getting up dizzily.

"Oh, just you getting drunk and flirting with random people, you even flirted with your horse, you looked stupid." Geno said snorting.

"And I am sure Obsidian would have gladly declined your date invite." snickered Geno

"Oh for fucks sake.." Reaper covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"You're right, you had fun, and it made me laugh, so it isn't that bad," Geno said still laughing at Reaper

"Shut it, you could have prevented me from doing all of that couldn't you." Reaper said in an irritated voice.

"Yeah, but it was worth not doing so." chuckled Geno and finished drinking his coffee

Reaper got up and punched Geno in the face, making Geno spit out all the coffee he had in his mouth.

"WHAT THE HELL-" Geno held onto his cheek in pain.

"I'm not kidding around. And you shouldn't be making fun of me!" Reaper spat.

"You do know I can report you to Nightmare and Dream." Geno spoke back in a threatning tone.

"Why? Ya can't handle a few punches?" Repear laughed.

"Oh I can handle them alright, I'll prove I'm stronger than you on the day of the competition!" Geno said with certainty.

"We'll see." Reaper said.

Reaper walked out of his room and left Geno there.

End of Chapter 3

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