《5》Acting Weird

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-Next Day 3 A.M-

(Geno's POV)

I'm having trouble falling sleep today.

Reading doesn't help, pretending to sleep doesnt help, and neither does crying.

Thinking makes me feel more sleepy, so I'm trying to do that right now.. However, it hurts to think of bad stuff, but I can't help it..

It has been years since it happened, but I can't get over it.

I feel pathetic..

And saying that makes me feel worse, but what else can I do?

They disapeared, and I don't really remember how it happened..

But I won't stop being determined, they will return back home to me....


"He's dead, Geno.."


"If that were the case, I would have found him! All I saw was dust, Geno... I'm sorry."

"He's not dead."

"Geno... Believe me, I wish it weren't true. But you can't escape reality.. He isn't coming back."


Geno's gaze softened, but returned to an angered glare.

"And I'll be waiting here for him."

The other's expression turned into one of worry.

"You can't be serious! You can't manage that much land on your own Geno! How are you supposed to maintain yourself?!"

"I'll be fine on my own. Once he comes back, I won't need your help or anyone else's. This is where I'll wait. And if you're gonna leave, then go ahead."

The other looked conflicted, but their choice had already been made.

"...I guess this is farewell, then."

"No. It's goodbye."


"It's best if we forget and get over this mess, I can't handle it. I want nothing to do with you or.. any of this anymore."

The other was about to try convincing Geno, but instead sighed in a heartbroken tone.

"...As you wish... But first,"

Geno was handed a red scarf covered in dust; leaving Geno a bit in shock before speaking.

"..Is this...."

"Yeah.. It was all I found from the scene. I don't think he's alive.. But it's your choice to stay and wait for him. I just thought I'd give you this before I gave you the potion.."

"..Whatever. I don't want to waste more time. The quicker  we get this over with, the better."

The other would hesitantly grab two potions out of his bag and handed one to Geno.

·My Gladiolus· [Afterdeath] (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now