Part 6

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After our little revenge we all went to class and everyone was talking about it.

The next thing we knew we were on our way to the principal's office, Holly, Jade, Sophie, Celine and I.

Poor Celine she always get dragged in our troubles oh well.

On our way towards the office Holly said that the key to get away with stuff like that is looking apologetic and maybe shed a few tears and just genuinely look and say sorry so we all tried to get in the act but the moment we entered, our headmistress' face was so red, she looked so angry i thought she might kill us. i can't believe how Holly kept it cool when she saw her because I was about to freak out for real.

After going through the door, we all stood right in front of Mrs. Wadie's desk and she kept staring at us for a while. And then suddenly hell gates broke loose.

" The year hasn't even started and you're already making trouble !! You're driving me crazy, all of you. what am i gonna do with you huh ?!! I always say that it's good to leave one last good impression wherever you go, but with you guys i just, i can't."

After that being said we started saying sorry all of us looking miserable but i don't think she bought it. And then Jade started saying " we only did it to teach some respect for those who are about to mess things up around here. see we did something good around here for once". Mrs. Wadie was about to lose it then and she said " You wanna teach them respect by hurting them behind their backs wow that's so thoughtful of you. You know what I'm not taking your pranks this year. Janette give me the student transferring forms. You are not staying in this school anymore"

We all just stared at each other shocked. We never thought it could get this bad. Like this time she seems like she had enough. And we're screwed definitely screwed.

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