Part 7

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We stood there still shocked of all that's going on, and i tried to say something but nothing would come out. i was in utter shock and fear because we all needed to graduate. The whole thing was so surreal.

And then a gift of god walked by.

Apparently Ms. Jackson had heard our headmistress yelling and she entered the office in attempt to calm things down. The moment she saw Jade and I she stared for a little and then said,
"Is everything alright ?! I heard yelling while passing by, and i thought it can't be a student getting in trouble because the year had barley started."

Mrs. Wadie then began to speak, and she explained everything we did to Ms. Jackson, and what she was going to do to us as a punishment. but then Ms. Jackson interrupted and said " don't you think it's a bit harsh Mrs. Wadie ?! Excuse me for saying this but I've gotten the opportunity to meet some of these girls this morning, and they helped me cleaning the chemistry lap. i don't think they meant any harm in doing that, excuse me if I'm being too nosey in this, but those girls helped me a lot and they seem so sweet. Maybe if you'd give them a chance they won't do it again." and at that moment, hope sparked in my eyes and i turned towards the headmistress and said " Yes ma'am we won't i promise !! " And then Jade spoke "We won't get in anyone's way i swear !! " And Sophie added "Please just let this be and we'll do anything as a punishment". Celine then finished "just don't transfer us please!" .

During our pleading for forgiveness i noticed that Holly had kept quiet the whole time, she didn't say anything and just stood there blankly ! i had no idea what was going on on her mind, but what i do know is that she's gonna speak her mind the minute we leave the office.

Mrs. Wadie stopped for a minute, she looked so much calmer than when we first got in her office. And then she finally said " you girls are driving me crazy! And what happened today will not be forgotten ! It won't just slip out ! You will be punished for what have you done! Because behaviours like this are intolerant in my school! But now after having second thoughts i do think that it's a bit harsh sending you to a different school for just one prank !"

The moment these words slipped out of her mouth my heart stopped for a second and i just couldn't help myself but smile so widely, at that moment all i wanted to do was to hug Mrs.Wadie so hard and thank her forever for what she has to us over the years. we were all so relieved to hear those words coming out of her mouth and just it felt so good knowing that we won't get in big trouble.

Mrs. Wadie then spoke something that made me snap back to the real world.

" Now, as a punishment for what you have done, you'll have detention for 2 weeks starting from tomorrow. and whatever homework you'll get during those two weeks shall be doubled."

The looks on our faces turned from relieved to regret the moment she finished talking. Even though we do deserve something like this but at the same time it felt unfair. or rather hard to process.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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