The Plan

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Jack was the first of the four to wake up. He had a bad feeling about today but shrugged it off. He carefully slides out of bed, making sure he doesn't wake his sleeping girlfriend, and heads off to his room.

Hope was the second person to wake up. She laid there in Landon's embrace for a few minutes. The older Mikaelson twin got that same feeling that Jack did. Something bad was gonna happen.  Only she didn't just shrug it off, she acted on it. She got up and ready, then woke up her twin and her boyfriend. Just then, Jack came back into the room. He had been trying to ignore what his gut was telling him, but he just couldn't. He didn't waste any time telling the others.

"Something doesn't feel right. Something's gonna happen today and I don't know what." He speaks up. Noticing the looks on everyone's faces, he realizes they felt it too.


Everyone in the room had a bad feeling about today. That feeling intensified when we heard a loud crash coming from downstairs. Snapping my fingers, I was in a fresh set of clothes and we'r were all running down stairs.

I see Ric on top of a broken coffee table and students surrounding him.

"Dr. Saltzman, are you alright?" Landon asks.

He groans in response.

"Well what the hell happened?" How asked, pulling him to his feet.

"Alyssa Chang happened. Only, it wasn't Alyssa." He says confused.

"What?" Lizzie and Josie said. Don't know when they got there but okay.

"Yeah, she was asking where Emma and Jack were and if they were alone. I told her I didn't know and asked her why she was asking so many questions about the both of them. Then her eyes turned black and she threw me into the table." He said, ending his story very bluntly.

"Demon" Jack and I say at the same time.

"Oh great, those exist too?!" He asks.

"Well, seeing as im part demon...YEAH!" I say to him.

He nods and motions for the whole Super Squad, which Jack and I are officially a part of, to follow him to his office.

"Okay, so what the hell do we do?" He asks, turning to me.

The demon could have possessed anyone else by now. Jack and I are safe because of our tattoos but anyone else, no. I use my magic to seal the doors and conjure up a large bottle of holy water.

"First things first..." I trail off before soaking everyone in the face with the water. No reaction. Hope has her eyes closed and turns her head to the side, spitting out the water that got into her mouth. Then she turns to me with a death glare.

"What... the... hell..." She says. I take a small step back from my angry older sister before answering.

"Demons possess people and hide in plain sight. But holy water" I hold up the bottle,  "hurts them". I finish.

"Ok, so how do we know you two aren't?" Kaleb questions.

Jack and I pull the collar off or shirts down to show the anti possession tattoos sitting on or chests.

"Anti possession tattoos. We can't be possessed. Besides im already part demon so I really can't be possessed either way." I say to him. He nods in response.

"So how to we find it?" Ric asked.

"Easy. You're part is to call for a mandatory assembly for all students and staff. Tell them that the monster is inside the school and you don't know what it is. Kaleb and MG, you two are the fastest so I need you two to draw these devil's traps all over the ceilings and floors." I say handing them a paper with a devil's trap drawn on it.

"Hope, go with them. I'll need you to cloak the traps so they can't be seen but still effective. Jack I need you in the assembly with Lizzie. When you find out who the demon is, just use magic to stop it or knock it out. Josie, your with me." I inform and everyone breaks off. Josie and I make our way to the water tank and drain the water inside. Then filled it up with holy water. We used magic to do this of course. Once it was done, we made our way to the assembly. Everyone else was there already.

I scanned the room to make sure everyone was in there. Josie siphoned me a little bit to lock everyone in the room. I gave a small nod to everyone in the team. Flicking my wrist, I set off the fire sprinklers. Everyone started screaming and running around trying to get out. It was so chaotic that I almost missed Jed drop to the floor with burning skin.

Lizzie and Jack did their job and knocked him out. Kaleb picked up Jed and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I turned off the sprinklers and let everyone out.

Alaric went to his office to announce what just happened to everyone.

After Alaric finished his announcement, we brought Jed to Ric's office and tied him to a chair.

We waited for him to wake up, so we could interrogate him. Possibly a little torture, Mikaelson style.

Sorry it's late y'all. I got so busy yesterday and didn't have any time to update but here it is.

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