You died. I saw it.

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I woke up to incessant pounding on the door of Hope and I's bedroom. Groaning, I slowly slip out of bed and trudge to the door with Hope right behind me. I throw the door open with a look of irritation on my face and am met with Alaric's frantic gaze.


This morning I was in the kitchen making breakfast when MG hurries in the kitchen saying something about a guy at the front door and seeming scared and I done know what else. He was rambling so I just shook my head and headed to the front door. I open it and there is a boy standing there with a small smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Jack. I'm looking for Emma. Is she here?" He says looking over my shoulder, I'm guessing to look for Emma.

"Uh, I'm Alaric. Wait right here." I say and head up the Mikaelson twins' room. I knock on the door and am met with two angry tribrid twins.

"E-Emma. There's someone here for you. He said his name was Jack." I say cautiously.


No. It can't be him. He died. I snap my fingers and Hope and I are changed and ready for the day. I rush out of my room with Hope hot on my heels.

"Jack? As in your dead boyfriend Jack?" She asks, running after me.

"Well that's the only Jack I know! So yeah." I respond. I make it to the bottom of the stairs and stop in my tracks. I see the same boy sitting on the couch that I met about 5 years ago.

"Jack" I whisper and he turns around.

He smiles at me and stands up.

I walk up to himand he pulls me into a hug. I hug back, still shocked he's here.

"How- how are you here? You died. I saw it. I was there, w-when Chuck killed you. I was right there and I couldn't do anything to stop it. You're-" he cuts off my rambling with a kiss.

"Supposed to be dead. Yeah, I know. I was with The Empty for the past few years. I made a deal with it. If it let me go then I'd make sure it finally got to sleep. Once I was free, I made some changes to heaven. I made it better. Then I made sure The Empty got to sleep. And now, here I am." he says.

The whole time he's talking in just staring into his eyes. I can tell it's really him. Not some demon, but him.

I don't even respond, I just lean up and kiss him.

"I missed you." I say, hugging him again.

"I missed you too" he responds.

I pull away and motion Hope over to us.

"Jack, this is my twin sister Hope. Hope, my boyfriend Jack." I introduce the two. Hope waves and he waves back.

"Let's go talk to Alaric and see if Jack can get enrolled here." She says to me.
I grab Jack's hand and pull him after me. On our way to Ric's office, we passed by the Super Squad, who gave us confused stares.

Reaching Ric's office, I softly knock on the door, hearing him say come in. Opening the door, the three of us walk in.

"Dr. Saltzman, I was wondering if Jack could attend school here?" I speak before he even gets to say anything. He gives me a pointed look.

"Emma, you know we can't accept humans into-"

"He's a nephilim" Hope and I cut him off. His eyes widen.

"Oh. As in child of an actual angel. Half angel half human nephilim?" He questions excitedly. I nod.

"I'm Jack Kline. Lucifer is my dad but I'm not evil like he is. I was raised to be good." He says innocently. That's what I love about Jack. He has this purity and innocence about him. Something that is so foreign to me. Especially being a Mikaelson.

"Well Jack, welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School. I'm Dr. Saltzman. I will get you enrolled in classes and get you a dorm room. You're classes can match Hope and Emma's. Emma can show you around and get you settled" Ric says to him. I smile and give him a hug.
"Thanks Ric." I say and he nods.

I give Jack the same tour that Hope gave me on my first day here.

Right now, Jack and I are holding hands and walking through the garden.

"You're gonna love it here, babe. The main factions are somewhat cliquey but you'll get used to it. And then there's the Super Squad. You'll like them." I'm giving Jack a run down of the school and some little tips that I picked up or got from my sister.

As were walking past the lake, Jack stops walking, which causes me to stop. He spins me around and kisses me again, holding me in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." He says, pulling away.

"I missed you more, babe." I responded, pecking his lips again.

Taking my hand once more, we start walking again.

Jack and I are laying on my bed while Hope and Landon are laying on hers. We decided to have a double date/ movie night. We're currently watching Arthur and the Invisibles.

I cuddled up to Jack, who has his arm around my waist, with a comment smile in my face. I feel asleep feeling happy. I have my boyfriend back, my sister is happy, I have friends that care about me, and a family that loves me.

I know this is all going to shit tomorrow, but for now, I'm gonna enjoy it.

SURPRISE!!! A nice little Jemma chapter for you all. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget top vote and comment. And seriously, let me know what you think about my q&a idea. Love you guys, bye!

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