Our Winter Princess

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You and Bucky were up all night every night, you took shifts of sleeping. Harlow just wouldn't sleep. "Hey guys, we are going on a mission, well be back soon" Tony says, closing the door behind him. "Free time" you cheer jokingly. Bucky laughs and cheers along. You get up, placing Harlow down in her crib, she was awake but she was quiet. "I'm going to shower" You exclaim, he nods and places a kiss on your lips before sitting back in bed.


You were out the shower, and cuddled up in bed watching TV, Harlow had dropped off to sleep in her nursery which gave you and Bucky some time to relax, finally.

"Do you want to bake cookies?" You say, turning your head to face him.
"Always" He responds, helping you out of bed, you gave birth a week ago, you were clearly still achy.

You both headed to the kitchen, switching the radio on whilst you prepared the mix. You both sung along to nearly every song, managing to spill batter over the countertop.


After an hour you had prepped and cooked all the cookies, and Harlow had just woken up, for a baby she had impecable timing.

You started to head to the room but Bucky overtook you, "you're stealing my time" he jokes, you chuckle at him, following him and stopping in the door way, he was an amazing dad. He even put a fleecy blanket over his metal arm so she was comfortable, "Hey Harlow" he said, placing her perfectly in his arms, she curled into his chest, causing a smile to erupt on his face, "youre just like your mummy" he finished, causing you to smile.

The front door opened, the team walking through the door, "hey guys, we're home!" Nat exclaimed, holding Steve's hand. "Hi" you answered.

Bucky walked over to you, Harlow between the two of you, "you're our Winter Princess, Harli" You say softly, stroking her head gently. "I like that, our Winter Princess" He replied, kissing her head then kissing you on your lips. Then both saying in unison "Our Winter Princess."

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