Chapter 11: I Want You

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Ellen's POV:
I wake up still facing my glass door. The sun rises as I lay on the bed. Giacomo's arm is wrapped around my torso. Eww... I pinch his arm with my two fingers and throw it off of me. I get up off the bed without waking him and I walk out of my bedroom. I want to see paddy. I wonder what he wants to tell me.

I get in the elevator and press the button as the door closes as I think about the conversation me and paddy had last night before Giacomo ruined it! I roll my eyes. Before the doors close, a hand stops it. The doors open back up revealing paddy, standing there. A small smirk forms on his face. My lips curl a little. He walks slowly around me, staring at me as the elevator doors close. I keep standing there looking at the tan elevator doors. He stands very close behind me. He puts his mouth close to my ear. I feel his warm breath on my skin.
"You wanna sneak out tonight?" He whispers in my ear. My heart is beating fast.
"And why would I want to sneak out with you?" I say, with a smile on my face now.
"Because of this." He says turning me around to face him quickly. He kisses me heavily, putting his tongue in my mouth. I kiss him back as he pushes me softly to the elevator wall. I squeeze his dark soft curly hair with my small hands as he kisses me down my neck. His rough, soft hands going up and down my torso.
"God, I want you." I moan in his ear. My body is aching for him. He sucks on my neck, leaving dark red marks.
" too." He moans, breathing hard. He goes back to my lips and sucks on my upper lip as I suck on his lower lip. He grabs my ass and lifts me up off the ground. My legs are around his hips, my back is leaning against the wall. I wrap my arms around his neck as I deepen our kiss. I moan loudly to his hard penis touching my warm center through our clothes.


We both hear the elevator. He drops me carefully. I land on my feet, licking my lips, tasting him. We're both breathing fast. He smiles gazing into my green eyes. Our faces are close together. "Tonight?" Paddy says in a hushed tone.
"I'm in." I give him a smirk as I walk away from him, out the elevator backwards staring at him. TR walks by watching me get out of the elevator with a big smile on my face. I catch up to him and walk beside him.

"Oh great. I see that you picked Patrick." He says with an eyebrow raised. I still have a big smile. "We're supposed to be getting ready to film and instead your getting Mcdreamied in the elevator." He says making me giggle. "It's totally worth it." I utter out, thinking about all the things paddy can do to me. He laughs "I'm glad your happy Ellen." He says softly. I am happy, I think to myself.

A few hours go by..

Paddy keeps staring at me. I swear He hasn't looked away from me at all. I can't wait for tonight! I'm sitting down at a round table, enjoying my lunch.

The whole cast is sitting down having lunch. We're just having sandwiches that Chyler made. They're pretty good. Giacomo comes up to me. I've been avoiding him all day. I don't want to talk to him about what happen last night. Paddy keeps looking at me across the room. My face reddens
"I didn't see you this morning." Giacomo says sitting across from me at the small table.
"I was uh, practicing my lines with TR." I lie not telling him what really happened this morning. I don't look at him, I watch paddy instead. I see paddy coming towards us. I think he's coming to talk me but instead he walks pass us. He grabs a water bottle off the counter. Then he walks pass us again.
"What are you looking at?" Giacomo asks with his eye brows furrowed.
"Nothing, nothing." I say quickly, looking at Giacomo now. I smile nervously, showing my white teeth. Paddy is now standing in front of us, beside the small table.
"Hi." Paddy says looking at Giacomo, smiling mischievously. I see Giacomo roll his eyes, he doesn't say anything. Paddy is looking at me now. My face blushes red again.
"How's your lunch?" Paddy asks, opening his water bottle and taking a sip.
"Good." I say taking the last bite of my sandwich. Giacomo looks irritated. What is paddy up to?
"That's good. Sorry to interrupt but Shonda needs us. JUST the two of us." Paddy says winking at me, making me grin uncontrollably.
"Oh really. When?" I say happily, going along with him. He is so making this up.
"I'm going to guess now." Giacomo mutters out annoyed. Paddy nods his head with a smirk on his face.
"Sorry I have to go." I say quickly leaving the table swiftly. 
"Yeah." Giacomo mutters again under his breathe, with his arms crossed.

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