Chapter 14: Pillow Fight

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Ellen's POV:
I wake up in paddy's arms. We're both naked. My head is resting on his bare chest. I can hear his steady heartbeat. The big yellow sun shining through the window, making the bedroom bright. I lay there still, running my fingers around his bellybutton. I breath in and out taking in this moment. A moment like this that should've happened years ago. I think about last night. One of the best nights of my life.

*Bang* *Bang*

There's loud knocking at my door, disturbing the quietness. I jolt My head towards the door.
"Ellen! I've been knocking on this door for five minutes. If you don't answer I'm coming in!" Shonda shouts, banging on the bedroom door still. I sit up on the bed immediately. My heart jumping out of my chest!

Oh my god! Shonda can't come in here. There's roses all over the room and candles still. Our clothes are all spread out on the wooden floor. And I'm naked!! With Patrick freaking Dempsey in my bed!!!

"Paddy!" I whisper, shaking his arm. I start panicking. Paddy grunts and turns around.
"Paddy!" I shake his arm harder. Ugh Come on wake up.
"What?" He says little too loud. I'm not sure if Shonda heard. I hope not!
"Shh! You gotta hide!" I whisper to him as I freak out.
"Ellen!! I'm coming in" Shonda yells again banging on the door. Paddy doesn't move. I think he fell asleep again. If paddy isn't going to hide then I'll hide him myself. I have no choice. I push him, causing him to roll of the bed.

There's a loud bang from his body hitting the hard wooden floor. Paddy grunts from the hit he took.
"I'm coming!" I shout out trying to cover the loud bang with my voice. I get off the bed swiftly. Then I see the door opening slowly. Didn't I just say I was coming! I grab a pillow as fast as I can and cover my small naked body. Then I glance at the floor, I see paddy's white dress shirt and tie. Ahh! What if she sees this. I push all of our clothes, including my bra and panties under the bed.
"What the-" Shonda's jaw is dropped as she looks around the room, where all the roses are behind me.
"It's..I uh I-someone dropped off roses." I lie with a nervous smile on my face. She then looks at me with her big eyes.
"Your naked!!!"
"Yes....but it's not-" I giggle nervously. My cheeks are glowing bright red. Well this is awkward.
"Just be out here in ten. And call Patrick he might answer you." Shonda rolls her eyes and turns around closing the door behind her. I sigh closing my eyes. That was so so soo embarrassing...

I hear paddy laughing hysterically, behind me.
"Shut up." I say annoyed, turning around facing him. He's off the floor and sitting up on the white bed now.
"You know your were snoring all night." He says as he chuckles under his breath, looking at me.
"I was not" I utter out loudly, with my eyebrows furrowed, still hugging the pillow close to my body, covering myself.
"You were too" paddy smiles. I grab a pair of panties and a large shirt from my dresser and put it on my body.
"I was not!" I utter out loudly. I go to him and hit paddy with my pillow hard.
"Hey!" Paddy shouts, grabbing a pillow next to him. He hits me back playfully. We're having a pillow fight now!

He throws the pillow at me, hitting my face! He distracts me and then grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him.
"Ahh!" I squeal as we both laugh together. He wraps his arms around my body, hugging me on the bed. I squirm trying to get out of his grasp. We both giggle happily. His legs are wrapped around me. I'm trapped. Paddy's lips are right next to my ear.
"It's ok, I love your snoring. I find it charming." He whispers, I feel his hot breath on my delicate skin. He plants a quick kiss on my cheek and lets go of me. I turn over and face him.
"Do you know what's not charming"
"What." Paddy grins, gazing into my green eyes.
"Your morning breath."
"I'm sorry. What!?" He utters out in a shocked voice, his smile goes away, he now has a concern look on his face. He brings his hands to his mouth. He breathes out into his hands, attempting to smell his bad breath.
"Im just saying."
"Ok, this is me brushing my teeth." He leans in and gives me kiss on the cheek again.
"Thank you." I say nicely to him as he leans away from my face. I smack his belly softly causing him to giggle. He gets off of the bed and walks to the bathroom.

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