Chapter 3

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The difference between you and me is that when you wake up, your nightmare ends, but mine starts . . .


Wang Yibo's POV

"It can be stretched and be tangled but can never break." I glanced sideways at Wangji, who continued reading his book as if he didn't hear my words.

As he turned the page, he answered me, "the red thread of fate."

I pouted at his answer; it was never fun to play a game with him, whatever it is, he would always win, "Yibo, it was the easiest riddle you could give someone, you know?"

Biting my lower lip, I threw a pillow towards him; it flew through the air but somehow ended up behind Wangji, who just continued reading his book.

Throwing my legs over the chair, I placed my head on my crossed arms, quietly watching Wangji reading his book.

"Wangji~" I whined while he turned his page once again, ignoring me, letting me continue whining.

"Wangji, you should be more careful next time when cooking." Suddenly he looked up from his book, a glance I couldn't identify visible in his eyes, making me chuckle.

I pointed at his finger that had a small cut while he rolled his eyes, wanting to diverge back into reading again.

"Is it illegal to be this boring as you, Wangji?" I sang the sentence from boredom, scrolling through my phone; when suddenly I felt like something warm touched my cheek.

My eyes shot up, looking at Wangji, who was just quietly enjoying his book, and I looked around in the room, trying to understand where the warmth came from before shrugging it off with a shiver.

"Wangji, can you tell me more about the concept of the red thread of fate?" Finally, I caught hit attention because he pushed his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose, his eyes twinkling.

He placed the book aside, stretching his legs, "should I be scared that you "abruptly" got interested in it?" He raised an eyebrow with an amusing smile.

"Aish, just tell me everything you know." I didn't understand my own sudden interest in it, but it was as if something stirred inside me, wanting to seek answers for it.

"As the riddle; you just mentioned said, the red thread of fate is a string attached from a female's little finger to a man's thumb, it's impossible to cut it and will only appear when you reach the age of 18 . . ." Out of nothing he went quiet, and I saw how his nose rimpled, meaning that he was thinking deeply.

"Recently, I have also read this book," Wangji said, abruptly looking up, behind me, as if there was something behind me, but in a blink of an eye his focus was back on me, and I shrugged off the weird, unsettling feeling inside my stomach.

I was about to turn around to look behind me when Sean continued, "there exist a handful of people, they're called ability users, once born in one or two centuries, they're "special", almost extinct, and the myth says that they're able to see other's their thread." I nodded, slowly digesting the information.

While Wangji talked, it was as if I felt a pair of arms hugging me, at first; it made me shiver in some indescribable feeling that wasn't fear, but now I was comfortable leaning against it, not caring any longer.

When I was about to speak up again, my phone buzzed, I unlocked it and saw one notification.

Devilish friend 😈

I rolled my eyes, seeing the name, wanting to put away my phone again when it buzzes once again with the notification; I saw you are online, so get your lazy ass over here and read my message!

"Let me guess? There's only one person who can make you roll your eyes like that when you read your messages; is it Haoxuan?" Wangji smiled as I rolled my eyes once again for his confirmation.

I opened his message; Yibo, tomorrow it will be Wangji's and your 18th birthday; Jiyang and I are planning to go to the fair that's been here since yesterday? Wanna join."

"He wants us to go to the fair tomorrow with Jiyang," I said, making Wangji chuckle because as we both know Haoxuan thoroughly, he never asked something; if we wouldn't go, he would just drag us there in our sleep.


He would drag me in my sleep there; he wouldn't dare to do that with Wangji because he can be scary when someone disturbs his sleep; after all, Wangji never forgets.

There was this time I had "accidentally" awoken him during his peaceful sleep by splashing ice-cold water on his face as an April fool's prank, he wasn't "very" happy, and the very same day when I took a shower and dried my hair . . .

It was suddenly blue, no not blue like sky blue, but blue as smurfs blue.

Haoxuan can be scary, but no one could ever overpower Wangji when he is planning something; I shivered at the memory of walking a month-long with that awfully blue hair.

"Yibo, I heard that the fair has a Ferris wheel; tell Haoxuan I am planning to do anything except that." I chuckled; one big difference between Wangji and me was that I loved heights while he hated them.

"By the way, Yibo, just a consideration, but don't go into the Ferris wheel alone." I raised my eyebrow, watching Wangji taking a sip of his coffee; a difference between him and me as he likes coffee, I found it disgusting.

"There's this myth or legend about the Ferris wheels on fair's when you get there alone it means you're destined to be alone without your soulmate, may it be that he or she has passed away or that you'll never find them, and if you go together with someone you need to kiss the person when you reach the highest point of the Ferris wheel, or it will bring bad luck." I pouted.

"Wangji, don't tell me you believe in those fairytales," I said teasingly, and even though my undertone was teasing, I remembered an old memory in which my mom had whispered the same into my ear before I fell asleep.

"Yibo, another topic, but have you ever had the feeling of being watched?" My eyes widened at his question.

Sometimes it was as if Wangji and I had an invisible bond; we could feel each other's pain and knew what the other was thinking, but how was it possible he knew that I felt some kind of unexplainable atmosphere?

"N-No." I obviously lied, it was my first lie I ever told Wangji, and even though I wanted to avert his eyes, something made me look up, and as our eyes collided, I knew he knew that I was lying.

But he didn't ask further as he gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes before standing up to leave . . .

A painful emptiness settled inside me while I closed my eyes, letting the warm embrace of something invisible drown me.

Word count: 1202 words 

The red thread of fate《Zhanyi version》Where stories live. Discover now