Chapter 10

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Lang Dongzhe's POV

"Lang Dongzhe?" I turned my head around with the bag still in my hand, "Wangji?" I raised an eyebrow as he walked towards me.

Wangji and Yibo are identical twins, hard to separate by looks, but Wangji's behaviour was always different from Yibo, easy to make a difference as I flashed him a smile.

"How's the business?" I smiled as we walked.

"5 generations and they all pass it on to me; being a doctor is a hard job, but I can thrive in it. At least I feel like I can do something for this world. So how have Yibo and you been during these months I haven't seen you guys for a check-up?" I glanced sideways at Wangji, whose face turned slightly darker.

It was almost an invisible moment, but I had known them since I was five; I would notice any slight difference in his emotion.

"We've been holding on, and Yibo found his soulmate." I almost choked in my saliva hearing that, my eyes widening.

"You guys only turned 18 yesterday, right? How did he found his soulmate that quick? I mean, look at me, I am 19 and still haven't found my soulmate," I said, huffing out a pout.

"Long story, long story, but how have you been, Dongzhe?" Wangji was trying to switch topics, so I held in my steps for a slight second before continuing at the same pace.

"Wangji, you know you shouldn't keep all the burdens on your own shoulder. I know you're supposed to be younger than Yibo, but you, too, need a shoulder to cry on at times; I have never seen you shed a tear about the death of your mom. I'm not accusing you of anything, Wangji, as I know, people suffer differently, but stop hurting yourself to help others." We reached the doorsteps, and Wangji was frozen; no emotion displayed.

Slowly he opened the door, holding it open for me, so I took the invitation as I knew this 'conversation' hadn't ended yet.

Before I even reached the living room, a scream pierced through my ear, "DONGZHE GE!" A person rushed towards me, hugging my body as I let out a breathy laugh.

I patted his back as he released me, "long time not seen, Yibo, how have you been?"


That was how I ended up here.

"Zhan, this is Lang Dongzhe; he's my childhood friend and our family doctor." Yibo gestured with his hand to Wangji, "his family has been a doctor for five generations long, and we're just very close friends, so don't be jealous." Yibo smiled as Zhan shook his head with a silly smile, poking Yibo's side.

I sipped from my tea, adjusting my glasses as I watched them play around, and Yibo, who looked lovingly at his soulmate, Xiao Zhan, they were indeed a lovely couple.

At times I nodded at what they said, acting as I listened to them while I tried to search through my memories, Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, who were you?

His name was clearly engraved in my memories somewhere, but I couldn't seem to recall him, and things felt even more unsettling as Xiao Zhan seemed to be avoiding my gaze.

As much as I loved to see Yibo this happy, something was wrong with this all.

In the end, I decided to break the ice, "so Xiao Zhan, it is right?" He nodded, his eyes catching mine.

His eyes were so familiar, those two deep black pools of emotions whirlwinds, but I couldn't point it out.

"Where are you from?" For a fracture of a second, I thought to have seen some shift in his eyes before the facade came back; I sighed, wrapping my fingers around the warm cup of thee.

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