Chapter 5

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Wang Yibo's POV

I rubbed my eyes, but still, I saw those red threads all tangled through each other, one blurry mess in front of my eyes.

How was this even possible?

The red thread of fate was only visible to one person itself and his or her soulmate; it would lead the lovers to each other as the string can stretch and tangle but never break, neither would it be possible for anyone else to see others.

So how was I able to see it?

I must be still dreaming; it must be, I pinched my cheek hard, and I felt the pain immediately rushing towards my face.

So this really wasn't a dream?

A cold icy shiver ran down my spine as I was still processing the information, which sounded impossible.

Without a second thought, I shoved the curtain before the window away, still in a daze of shock.

Why me?


I closed my eyes and heard my mothers, soft melodious voice, she always sounded like an angel when she talked, and an old hidden memory popped up.

"Yibo, you're different from others, but don't forget that it isn't a bad thing... All you need to do is to follow your heart, as when your heart is at peace, it will know its way out of the maze."

That was the last sentence she had ever said to me after that she left this world.

Mom, I miss you; why did you leave me without you; my life is like a puzzle missing one piece.

Slowly a lonely tear escaped from the corner of my eye, making its way down to my cheeks just by thinking back about my mom.

"Bo Bo, mommy is going to get some groceries; dad took Wangji out, so can you manage the house alone?" Mom looked at me, her eyes twinkling like stars.

I looked at her, not knowing it would be the last time I would see her, and I slowly nodded.

"Bo Bo, I want you to know that whatever happens, mommy will come back, okay? And don't forget that you're different, Bo, you're different from others, but remember it isn't a bad thing to be different..."

At that time, I was young, not understanding the struggles of life and not understanding what she meant; I thought she would come back, even when I heard about the car crash; as a child, we believed what we wanted, right?

When parents told you; monsters were living under your bed, or when you didn't finish your supper, a bugaboo would come to get you, you would have simply believed it?

After all, when your young, you look up at those who are older than you because you trust them, you believe them when they tell you they will protect you forever, but I learned one thing in life, and that is something I would never forget anymore, there is no forever in life and either in always.

I thought that when I studied hard enough and would do everything my mom always wanted that she would come back, someday, eventually, hugging me, telling me it was all a big nightmare, but I was young and naive.

And day after days, bullies broke down my hope and my will to live if it wasn't for Wangji, who helped me through the darkest time.

As a guardian angel leading me through a dark tunnel of life, sometimes he reminded me of mom; they had the same character, gentle and friendly, one only thing was that Wangji didn't understand my hardship as mom did.

But if I think back at the last conversation I had with mom, I am always asking myself, could I have stopped it?

She gave so many hints as if she knew this was bound to happen, and still, I was so blind to it.

Yes, I am blaming myself for what happened because I was the closest to her; I always thought I could at least feel it when something was about to happen to her, but even when I proceeded with everything, I couldn't believe it.

When I turned 14 I gave up all my hope that mom would come back and on my 14 birthday, I wished to see colours.

And now I could see the red thread of other peoples, how much I regretted my wish.

All those red strings made my head dizzy, and if I would see them forever, how was I going to survive?

They say being 18 is all about being an adult, but what if all I wanted was to remain to be a kid forever?

Going back to the time I sat down on my mom's lap while listening to her caressing, soothing voice, singing a lullaby, all I wished for was to go back; to the time, everything was still "fine".

When I looked down, I saw a bright red string which was almost shining on my pink, and of course, I couldn't help it when a small smile tugged at my lips through the tears.

Without thinking, my hand gradually moved to the string, and I touched it, but immediately after that, I retrieved my hand, when I felt my thread it was burning like fire but looking down, at my hand, you couldn't see anything of that burning.

I didn't understand it; this shouldn't be happening.

Again I tried to touch it, and again I felt a burning sensation as if my thread was on fire.

I averted my eyes, my heart beating in my lungs as I felt like I was suffocating as if I was drowning; my mind was clouded as I suddenly felt a warm touch against my cheek.

My eyes shot open, but all I saw was air, and my room, there was no one . . .

I couldn't help but let out a small dry chuckle without humour; what did I even expected in the first place?

Slowly I once again looked down at my pink and instantly closed my eyes, and after opening them again, it was still the same.

The thread was deep black as if it had never been another colour, but at least it wasn't burning anymore, not a good thing.

My breath hitched when it was still the same after rubbing my eyes for the 520th time.

I was literally capable of crying at the moment; why was I so unlucky to have a black thread and see the strings of others, simply just why?

Before my thoughts could have run off wild again, Wangji's head popped up in the doorway; he smiled at me, "breakfast is ready; come eat before it's cold." I nodded; as he left the door open.

I held my head slightly oblique as I watched Sean leave the room, but then I realized that I hadn't seen a thread by Wangji, which was impossible except if-

I shook my head as if I wanted to shoo away the awful thought, somewhere I knew what it meant, but I didn't want to believe it, at least not yet.

So I quickly stood up, getting ready for breakfast, pushing all my thoughts away, suppressing them for later.

Word count: 1208 words

The red thread of fate《Zhanyi version》Where stories live. Discover now