Chapter 9

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Xiao Zhan's POV

There are thousands of universes outside of the ones we exist in, and I always loved that thought to drown away when I felt like I was detaching myself again.

Often did I imagine scenarios of me meeting Wang Yibo, he was my soulmate I would never be able to touch, and here I was, pacing through a room that I knew like the back of my hand.

The silence kept going forth like the arms of the clock continued ticking; I bit my lower lip, waiting in anxiety.

At some point, I lost count of time, so here I was staring at an old picture of Yibo and Wangji, identical and yet different; Yibo had a cheeky grin that made his eyes lit up while Wangji had a small polite smile that didn't reach his eyes.

I had always felt like he was the 'serious' type of the two, the one who would try to keep Yibo out of trouble all the time, but there was some darkness lingering around him that I couldn't explain.

Sighing, I ruffled a hand through my hair, seeing my reflection through the window before noticing the door behind me burst open.

When I turned around, my gaze found Yibo's, who, as usual, gave me a cheeky smile; I smiled back and glanced over his shoulder.

Wangji's eyes were dark like before a storm, and his expression was an open book as a shiver ran down my spine.

Yibo turned his back to me to talk to Wangji who's facial expression changed immediately, so my eyes wandered off again to the thread on my left pinky that was attached to Yibo's.

The string was black as the night, almost like a reminder of this all being just a too-good-to-be-real dream.

Once again, a deep sigh left my mouth as Yibo turned around, suddenly grabbing onto my arm, his eyes twinkling like stars.

"It's okay if you don't know how you ended up here, but you can trust me as I am your soulmate, and in the meantime, we're gonna try to find out who you are; you can stay in one of our guest rooms!" Wangji rolled his eyes with a tiny smile on his lips that disappeared the moment our eyes crossed.

"Yibo, calm a bit down; your excitement is scaring him; I am sure he knows the way around soon." I turned around to look at Wangji, who was distracted again; something in the way he said that sentence gave me the creeps, but I shook it off as Yibo continued to drag me up the stairs.

When my Yibo was about to drag me inside one of the guest rooms, Wangji's voice interrupted him, "Yibo, give him the one on the right." Yibo frowned but didn't ask as he pushed me inside, continuing his rant about his work as an art designer.

I, of course, already knew everything off, so I suppressed the smile that was about to bloom onto my face as I stepped inside the bright room.

I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust as Yibo spoke up, "I am going to make you something to eat, make yourself at home!" As quick as he came, Yibo disappeared too, and I let the smile come.

A bubbly feeling inside my chest got filling me; I was about to close the door as suddenly Wangji was leaning against the doorstep, his eyes unreadable.

He stared at me for what felt like centuries before turning around and walking down the hallway, leaving a deadly silence behind.

I felt relief rushing over me as Wangji was gone, turning a small round to see the room; it was bigger than I was used to, a perfectly made-up bed in the corner, a big window with curtains, a desk with a chair and a closet.

When I was about to exit the room, my eyes caught something on the table; it was a paper plane, the type I once made with my mom to sent compliments.

It felt like a déjà vú seeing it as my heart clenched together; I held my breath as I walked towards the desk; it was all empty, so the paper plane stood out.

I picked it up and folded it, but even before my eyes could catch the first sentence, an old memory popped up, a remembrance of something long forgotten.

A red and a green paper boat were floating on the river as two little boys were sitting at the side, watching their paper boat fleeting away slowly.

The older boy looked up at the somewhat younger one with a questioning look before quietly speaking up, "what did you wish?" The younger boy chuckled, ruffling a hand through the older boys hair with a grin.

"Ge ge, if I tell you my wish won't come true, let the river carry them away for the wind to read them. My mom told me that when you write down your wishes on a paper boat and let them fleet away with the river, they will always find their way back towards you, whether it's tomorrow or over the years." The older ones eyes shimmered through the midday light of the warm summer, sighing softly.

"But what if the wind won't find them and our wishes get lost di di?" The younger one laughed as he placed his head on the older one's shoulder.

"Ge ge, there are so many 'what if's' in this world, and if we bother thinking about them all, we would still be here over ten billion of years." The older boy pinched the younger cheeks with an adoring smile while intertwining their hands.

"There are indeed a lot of 'what if's' on this world, my Bo-di, but one thing I know for sure is that we got destined to be each other fated soulmates like my mama and dada and that I will never ever forget you!" The younger closed his eyes with a smile as he mumbled, "promise?"

The older boy carded his long musical fingers through his hair before whispering back, "promised." And he quietly started humming a lullaby carried away by the wind of the summer that their wishes were fleeted down with the river.

My eyes shot open as a lonely tear found its way down my cheek, and I whispered under my breath, "but you forgot me, Bo-di . . ."

Word count: 1125 words 


Sorry for being late, I am having a hectic schedule with two jobs!!

Next update will be on my book FAKE that I would likely wanna be finishing this week.

Btw don't forget to comments and vote, what do you think of Wangji? 

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