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Michael looked at me with a disgusted face when I walked out of the bathroom that morning. "What? Did I do something?" I raised my eyebrow and he shook his head. "No... Ugh. But did you hear Luke and Sarah last night? It was so gross." He stuck his tongue out and made a gag noise. "Why were you listening, dweeb?" I sat next to him so I could pull my jeans on, tussling his hair. "I wasn't! They're just really loud, okay? I don't wanna be in a room next to them anymore. Next time, Ash and Calum should." I nodded and rolled my eyes, standing up and pulling my jeans up to the curve of my torso. "Yeah, or you could just sleep in the buses. I wouldn't mind having my own room. I wouldn't have to put up with your stinkiness." I looked at him in disgust.
"Oh, but you love my stinkiness." He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Okay, yeah, just because I chose to share a room with you doesn't mean I'm going to share a bed with you. Get over yourself, lover boy." I patted his chest and pushed him off. "Now, go shower. We have to be on the road, soon." Michael let out a whine before stumbling into the bathroom. "Just one more week until the tour is over. Then you can sleep all you want. I promise." As he was closing the door, he yelled "Jesus, Savannah! You're just like Luke! There's water EVERYWHERE!"


"Sarah, Luke... We need to talk." Michael and I pulled them behind our bus, they looked like children about to hear the divorce speech. I looked to Mike before letting out a sigh. "You guys need to stop having loud sex. It's getting to the point where we can't sleep, and I'm sure that the other guests will be happy if you stop, too." Luke was blushing wildly and Sarah and Michael started giggling. "Okay, okay. We won't be so loud." Sarah bit her lip, obviously holding back a laugh. "Thanks. That's believable. You guys take our bus. And if you shit on our bus, I'll kill you. I'm talking to you, Lucas. Mike and I are taking the boys' for video games." I grabbed his arm and Sarah yelled "yeah, and sex!" I felt my face heat up and I flipped her off while walking off.

I pushed Michael into the bus, following behind him and seeing Calum sitting on his bunk, creating an awkward silence. I cleared my throat and looked around awkwardly. "Err... Hey, Cal." He sat up quickly and hit his head. Michael held back a laugh, grabbing a couple of game controllers and sitting on the couch. "Yeah?" Calum asked, rubbing his head to dull the pain. "Wanna play Mario Cart with Michael and I? Sorry it's kinda lame, but I can't really shoot people." I shrugged and smiled at him. "Sure. I don't see why not." He grabbed a third remote and sat next to Mike, so I sat on the floor between them.
We all chose our characters. Michael went for Waluigi, Calum chose Mario, probably because he's a basic bitch, and I chose Rosalina.
The boys let me choose the first map, and I went straight to the Coconut Mall. I had aced this map as a kid. I knew I was going to win.
I smiled deviously at the boys as it counted down. When 'GO!' popped up on the screen, they slammed on the A button, causing them to stall out. I, on the other hand, waited a moment and went.
I passed the other racers until I was in first place. By the time we were half way finished, Michael was in 6th place and Calum was groaning angrily in 10th. I scooted away from Calum because he was bouncing his knee and hitting my back.
On the last lap, I was tired of Calum's constant groaning, so I went into a short cut and waited for him to pass me. He passed the finish line in 5th place with Michael in 2nd. I came in at 11th place.
Calum stood up and cheered, "WOOHOO! I beat you, I beat you." He poked my cheek and I giggled. Michael rolled his eyes. "Yeah, only cause she let you. Didn't you see her waiting? If she didn't, you would probably still be in last place."
I gasped and elbowed Mike. "Michael! Don't be mean! You know that's not true!" Calum looked kind of hurt, setting down his controller.
"Okay, that's it. No more video games for today." I stood up and turned off the Wii. Michael stood up quickly, holding his hands out, "What?! C'mon, Savannah! I said one thing!"
I nodded and shrugged, "yeah. One really mean thing that hurt Calum's feelings for NO reason!"
"That's no fair!" Michael pouted and stomped his foot. I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe it. I feel like I'm living with toddlers now." I rubbed my forehead. "I'm going to go lay down. Michael, your bunk better not stink, because I'm going to use it."
I walked back to the bunks as the boys started to fight again. I moved the curtain hiding Michael's bed and laid down. Luckily, it just smelled like his cologne.
There was a little shelf next to his bed, and on it was his lion, Daniel. God. Even when he acts like a little kid, I can't help but love him. I pulled the covers over myself and drifted off to sleep.


Michael woke me up with a soft kiss and two boxes of chocolates. "Hi, Savvy.. Calum and I are sorry for how we acted earlier. We got you these."
I rubbed my eyes and sat up, poking my head out of the bunk. "Thank you, baby. I accept your apology. Don't do it again. And, did you say sorry to Calum, also?" He nodded and put the boxes next to me. "Yeah. What I did was a huge dick move. I'm really sorry."
"Good. What time is it?" I opened the box that had "TO SAVANNAH, IM SORRY. PLZ FORGIVE ME. IDK WHAT I DID WRONG BUT ILY. -CALPAL, YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD TRASH MAN." written messily in a black pen over it.
"It's 4:19...4:20. Let's blaze it." We instantly put two fingers to our mouths and pretended to smoke.
"Okay, we need to stop that. It's a horrible influence to the children." I popped a chocolate in my mouth and he nodded. "True. It's just good they don't see us. By the way, everyone is waiting for us. We're gonna go out to dinner since it's our last week touring."
I nodded and stood up, wrapping my arms around Michael. "Since you gave me a headache, you should carry me."
"As you wish, Princess." He bowed his head and picked me up. I giggled softly and patted his head. "You get the strongest emo award."


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