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One Week Later - Savannah's P.O.V.

Calum, Sarah, and I were now sitting on the plane, about to take off for our trip to the next venue. Sarah came back a few days ago to visit her family. Her sister, Te'a, was especially excited to see her. It was kind of funny. I remember, when we were younger, we'd always have to get Sarah home before 3:50 to ensure she wouldn't get grounded. It literally never happened, though. Te'a is 6 years younger than us, so she couldn't be home alone. Now shes twelve. And still kind of aggravating to me. But I love her. She's grown to be like my sister, too.

I stared at Calum, he stared back. "You two are such a cute couple," Sarah smiled at us. "We're just friends, dude." Calum, sitting on the other side of me shook his head while adjusting himself in his chair. "She is, I'm not." I punched his arm. "Well, I'll tell you one thing you are then. A piece of shit." Sarah gasped, shouting "oh! Burn, bitch!" I bit my lip, holding in a laugh as I continued to stare at Calum. He had averted his eyes to look out the window, smiling as we lifted off the ground.

I love Reno, but the desert just isn't for me... Our next concert was in Louisville, Kentucky. Quite possibly my favorite city in the country. My mom's side of the family was there, along with my grandfather's grave site.

--- Four Hours Later ---

Calum, Sarah and I were sitting at the airport's Starbucks. We were stopped in Chicago for two hours in between flights, so we got a white mocha for Sarah, a java-chip frap for me and chocolate milk for Calum. We don't trust him with coffee yet. After that, we picked up gifts for my cousins Rachel and Maggie. We found a CD and book store, and bought a couple of the boys' CD's for Calum to sign with markers I had in my carry on. While Sarah had her laptop and books in her backpack, I brought coloring books, markers and crayons. I know, I'm really grown up and sophisticated. My mom would be proud.

I quickly colored in a picture of a kiwi bird and taped it to Calum. "Look! Calum is a kiwi!" I giggled to myself, proud of my pun. Sarah just responded with "no". She doesn't enjoy my jokes.

Time got away from us and it seemed that we were instantly back on the plane, headed to Kentucky. I was over-joyed, literally jumping in my seat. All of my favorite people we there. Especially Rachel, who, since I was 13, was nick-named "Ray-Ray-with-the-nice-bootay". My uncle Matthew, and uncle Frank would be picking us up, along with Luke, at the airport. Luke was going to meet us there for Sarah. I was honestly excited to see him again. Even if we weren't the closest of friends, he made Sarah really happy, and that made me really happy. When Sarah isn't happy, I'm the meanest person in the world. Be warned, men.

--- Three Hours Later, at Frank's House ---

My entire family was standing on his lawn, holding up a giant poster that had "WELCOME HOME, SAVANNAH!" written across it. Even though I wasn't born here, it was like home and they all agreed. I slowly got out of my car, tears coming to my eyes as I saw everyone there. My mom's best friend, De'Rima, my cousin John, and my friends Shelby, Anne, and Erin. We all ran in for a big group hug, jumping and screaming.

"It's been forever!"

"Damn, girl! You look good!"

"Holy shit, is that a tattoo?"

My face turned red at the last comment. It wasn't from a girls voice. I slowly turned around to see my Uncle Dan. He was red with anger, but when I nodded, it turned into a great, big smile. "THE MORMON GIRL IS BECOMING ONE OF US!" He threw his arms into the air, running at me for a bear hug. I laughed along with everyone else. Then showed off my tattoo of the sun. It was a blank circle with eight rays coming out of it, located on my outer left ankle.

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