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I woke up today and remembered what I had agreed to. My brother last night came running into my room begging me to tutor Drew as he was apparently failing our Econ. class. Big surprise as he spends the majority of the class either on his phone or flirting with girls.

So when my brother begged me and convinced me that it was for the betterment of the team, I gave in. 

 I texted Drew and let him know that I was going to help him, but it was for my brother and the team.

It shocked me cause he actually texted me back and used my name rather than that annoying nickname. Maybe he was serious about passing this class.

I went to my classes and tried to focus on the lectures and labs, but my mind wandered to Drew and would he really take this seriously.

I met up with Lisa for lunch and we chatted. I asked her about her dinner with my brother and she said it was fun. Apparently he asked her out after their practice tonight and to say I was shocked was an under statement. I was happy for her and potentially my brother. I know Lisa would be an amazing girlfriend for him. I just hopped he wouldn't fuck this up.

After classes I went home and made a light dinner and sat on the couch watching some tv waiting for Drew to show up.

Around 6:30 I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it up. "Hey Baby Anderson," he says in the deep commanding voice.

"I see we are back to the nickname and here I thought you were serious about passing your class," I say looking at him. I can't help but stare. He is dressing in some jeans with a tight t shirt that shows off every muscle on that damn near perfect body of his.

"Sorry Ba, Emily. Old habits die hard and it's a term of endearment," he says with a charming smile.

"Just get in here okay. I need you to tell me what you aren't getting in the class and we can go from there," I say grabbing my books and sitting on the couch.

"Would you be upset if I said I don't get any of it," he says sitting down and pulling out his books.

"Alright then let's take it from the top," I say opening my text book and notes.

3 hours later I have seem to have gotten somewhere and he is at least caught up to where we are in class.

I sit back and stretch. "I need a drink, did you want anything?" I ask him.

"Sure I will have whatever you are having," he says.

I bring out two mugs of hot chocolate and place one down in front of him.

"Thank you," he says smiling and taking a sip.

"You are welcome," I say smiling and taking a sip from my cup.

"I meant it though thank you for l helping me out.  I know I am not your favorite person and I would have asked you myself, but I figured you would have said no," he says looking over at me.

I smile, "You are right I would have said no, but tonight I saw a different side of you.  You are really smart when you work hard and apply yourself and I liked the fact that you weren't putting on a show or acting all cocky.  This side of you needs to come out more," I say in an encouraging tone.

"Ahh so I am growing on you then?" he asks.

"I wouldn't say that, but you didn't totally repulse me either," I say laughing.

"Ouch, that one hurt," he says faking a knife to the heart.

I don't even get mad that he went back to that stupid nickname. 

Following in the Foot Steps (Anderson Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now