Calm before the Storm

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It has been a few weeks since Derek got Tracy to confess and the day after Drew went to his contact at the police and handed over the recording. They didn't want to know how Drew got this, but he assured them that it wasn't him on the tape and that the person just wanted justice for Em.

Tracy was arrested and charged with assault and some how managed to post her $10,000 bail, she also hired a high profile attorney, which we couldn't figure out either how she afforded him.

The school expelled her and a restraining order was granted to me and Drew against her.

So everything has kind of gone back to normal per say, I know there is something Drew is hiding from me because when he holds me it's like he is expecting me to disappear and when he kiss me it feels like he thinks it's going to be the last.

I am sitting beside him on the couch and tonight and I am determined to get him to tell me what is wrong.

Sitting down on the couch at Drew's place and eating the pizza that he ordered for dinner.  I cuddle into him and rest my head on his shoulder. Kissing behind his ear, the one spot I know always relaxes him.

"Mmm Baby Anderson are you looking to get lucky tonight," he moans as he runs his hand along my thigh.

"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" I ask.

He flips me over onto my back and moves his hands under my shirt. I grab his hands and smile up at him.

"Drew what is it that you aren't telling me?" I ask.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he says getting off me and sitting on the couch.

"I know you and ever since the night of the party you hold on to me like I am going to slip away and you kiss me like it's the last time.  Please just tell me baby," I say putting my hand on his cheek.

He sighs and sits back, "Derek wants you back.  He said that after all of this was over you were going to be his again. That he was your first and that you always remember you first," he says.

I look at him in shock, I had no idea that Derek felt that way.  If I did I would have never got him involved.

"I am not going anywhere.  You have me and my heart.  I love you, just please trust me when I say I have no feelings for him," I say trying to reassure him.

"I do trust you, but it fees like he is going to stop at nothing to get what he wants," he says.

"He can try, but with you is where I belong.  He may have been my first, but you are my forever," I say giving him a soft kiss.

He pulls me in tighter and I straddle his lap.  He lifts my shirt over my head and unhooks my bra.  "I love you Emily Anderson, you are my forever too," he says kissing me again.

Lifting his shirt and throwing it on the ground, wanting to be pressed against him skin on skin.  I feel him undoing my pants and pushing them off down my hips.  I break the kiss to stand up and take them off.  He gets up and lifts me up into his arms and carries me to his bed.

Laying me down, I feel his hand slip into my thong and he pushes his fingers inside me.  I moan and arch my back off the bed.  Loving how wet and turned on he gets me.

I moan as I feel him speed up his fingers.  "Fuck yes Drew, I'm so close," I say.

"Fuck you feel amazing," he says rubbing my clit now to push me over the edge.

"I'm cumming," I yell and I grab the bed sheets.

I look at him and he smiles, the first time in a long time I have seen that smile.  "Make love to me Drew, nice and slow tonight," I ask him.

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