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As I left Baby Anderson's house I was so confused.  Why did I kiss her? I mean I know why, she is hot. I have always been attracted to her, since Sam and I became friends, but I was always able to keep it under control.

Tonight, however after she explained everything so well that I could understand what our damn professor is trying to teach us and then when she went on her tangent about why she didn't date hockey players.  I don't know I saw her differently.  She was the opposite of every girl I have been with and it was so damn attractive.

Sam would kill me though if he knew I kissed her.  Fuck he would never be okay with me even taking her out after knowing how I have treated girls in the past.  Why the fuck am I even thinking about taking her out? I am so confused.  Getting out of my truck at my place and heading inside. 

I sit down on the couch and put my head back and try to think about anything besides Baby Anderson.  How her lips felt against mine and how I just wanted to make her mine.  Ugh, I run my hand over my face.

My phone pings and I look down expecting it to me Sam riming me out for kissing his sister, but to my surprise it's Baby Anderson.

"We can pick up Thursday night if you are free.  You were right I did feel something when you kissed me.  I guess I got scared because of my promise to myself to not get involved with hockey players," she writes.

"I'll show you that I can be different.  You make me want to be different," I write back.

Waiting for her response and I hear that ping, "You get one shot at this. Don't fuck it up,"

I pump my fist in the air like I just score the winning goal in overtime and write back, "I am not planning on it Baby Anderson and I'll see you Thursday.  This time on my turf."

I want her here at my place with no distractions and no interruptions.  I need to gauge her response to us kissing.

She shoots me back a thumbs up and I can't help but laugh a little.

Wednesday goes by slowly, my classes and practice drag on. After practice Wednesday Sam pulls me aside.

"What happened Tuesday night? Em seemed a little off when I got home," he asks.

I realize that she didn't tell him about how I kissed her, "She had to go over everything from the beginning of the year with me for Econ. I assume she was just tired is all. I promise I wasn't a dick," I say trying to reassure him.

"Yea she said you were alright with her which I appreciate. She said you guys are studying at your place Thursday?" he asks looking at me.

"I just figured if you had plans with your mystery girl, your place would be free," I say hoping that he believes me.

"Thanks man and she isn't a mystery girl. You know her, but I don't want to make a big deal about it cause it's so new," he says smiling.

"Got in man, but happy you found a good one," I say patting him on the back.

"Thanks man, now we just have to find you the right girl to change your ways, but in the meantime have fun with all the wrong ones for me," Sam says pointing to a group of girls waiting by doors.

I laugh and smile at the group.  Heading over there.  "Ladies, looking beautiful today," I say giving them the killer smile.

A cute red head wraps her arm around my waist and whispers, "I need you inside me Drew.  I am so wet just from watching you practice," she says nibbling on my ear a little.

Ding, ding we have a winner, I think to myself.  "What's your name darling?," I ask her.

"Tracy," she whispers in my ear. 

Following in the Foot Steps (Anderson Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now