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Sunday morning rolled around and I woke up to the sun peaking through Drew's window.  I smiled remembering the conversation I had with Drew. 

He tried to hide the "I love you" at the ending of the conversation, but I picked up on it.  

I believed in love after all my mom and dad found it after 6 years of not even speaking and my brother Jay found it after 3 years apart from his wife. 

The thing is though, I watched the hell he went through after he first broke up with Sarah.  The drinking and the different women and finally getting engaged to that one psycho who almost killed Sarah.  So I knew there was a down side to love, it could end and if it did your whole world could spiral out of control.

I put on my big girl panties though and decided I would give into my ever growing feelings for Drew and not try to hide them or run from his feelings. 

I got up and turned on the shower and decided that if it came up tonight I was ready to take that leap and say it back.

I had promised my mom that I would stop by the house today to have some lunch and catch up.  I was the only girl in the family besides Sarah.  Apparently the Anderson men were good at making boys and I some how was the one accident being a girl.

I threw on some jeans, a tight black tank top and one of Drew's hoodies.  I couldn't help it, it had his cologne and sent on it and I felt like his arms were wrapped around me when I wore it.

I drove the 30 minutes to my parent's house and pulled in the driveway.  I saw both my mom and dad's cars in the driveway.  So I knew to knock and make sure they were decent.  They still acted like they were my age and were so in love.  I really wanted that for myself.

I rang the door bell just to be sure and my mom came to the immediately.  She smiled and gave me a big hug, "Em you know you don't have to ring the door bell right.  This is still your home," she says smiling.

"Yes I do.  You and dad can't keep your hands off one another and I am not walking in on anything.  There isn't enough therapy in the world to help me deal with that," I say laughing and pulling back and looking at her.

We walk into the kitchen and there was my dad making lunch.  "Since when does dad cook?" I ask looking at my mom.

"Since your mother started rewarding me when I do," he says giving me a wink.

"Umm eww gross. Thanks for that mental image," I say.

I sit down at the counter and my mom gets me a glass of iced tea.  

"So sweetie, how is school going?  Sam said you are tutoring a guy on his team," she asks me.

"School is good, just got back my Economics test and I got an A and yea I am tutoring Drew McKenzie.  He is in my Economics class and needed some extra help," I say.

My dad looks at me. "Yes that McKenzie kid is one of the top players to watch. Well him and your brother," he says.

"Well I am glad that you are liking school sweetie, but we miss having you and your brother around here," mom says smiling.

"Sweetie you know I love you and your brother, but honestly I don't miss you guys living here because I can take your mom whenever I feel like it," he says coming over and wrapping his arms around her.

"Dad really with the mental images," I say laughing.

He finished up cooking and takes everything to the table in the other room. My mom grabs my arm as I get down off the stool at the counter.

"Who is the boy that gave you that sweater and that smile that has been plastered across your face all day," she asks smiling at me.

"I don't know what you are talking about mom," I say.

Following in the Foot Steps (Anderson Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now