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It was a couple of days after the whole "Tracy Incident" and Drew was heading out  with the team for a 3 game road trip.  We had talked about what this thing was between us the morning after the test and decided to give this a shot.  

It was going to be hard for me to let go of his past reputation, but I was willing to try because there was a feeling I got being with him that I had never experienced with anyone else.

I was sitting on his bed and he was getting a bag together, "So we are really going to do this Baby Anderson? You and me a couple? Going out on dates and such, not just sleep overs," he says giving me a wink.

"Sure if you want to take me out on a date, but you don't have too.  I am having fun just hanging out with you and hiding from all the drama you bring with you," I smile and laugh a little.

"Ouch that hurt very much.  I don't create the drama it's the females that do," he says zipping up his bag.

"Oh and I am so sure that you didn't have anything to do with it," I say getting up off the bed.

"Never," he says giving me a hug.

I hear his phone ding and he looks down at it, "Shit it's our Econ Professor.  He sent me my test results," he says.

"Well open it up, I want to know if all that studying helped or did our activities get in the way," I say grabbing for his phone.

"They would never get in the way.  That all was just a bonus.  A fucking great bonus and incentive if you ask me," he says wiggling his eyebrows.

He opens the email and I watch as he reads it.  "Well?  Don't leave me in suspense over here," I say leaning over to look.

He looks at me with this upset look and I frown.

"Oh Drew I am so sorry.  I really thought that you got it. I mean you announced it to the whole class during the test.  Will he at least let you take a make up test?" I ask rubbing his back a little.

"I don't know why I would need one because I got a fucking A on my test," he says smiling and picking me up and spinning me around.

I playfully hit him. "You had me going there. I thought you totally bombed it. Although I didn't understand how that was even possible," I say smiling.

"You have to have more faith in me," he says looking into my eyes.

"Well congratulations on the test. You really did work hard for that mark," I say pulling back from him a little.

"Nope you are not getting away that easily Em," he says pulling me back in and kissing me.

"You have to be at the bus in 45 minutes.  There is no time to start something you can't finish," I say smiling.

"Oh I can finish it, but with you I want to take my time. So this celebration is going to have to wait till I get back from the road trip," he says.

"So you are saying that Sunday night we should probably stay here then?" I ask smiling.

"Well unless you want your brother to hear you screaming my name countless times, then yes I think we should probably stay here that night," he says smiling and licking his lips.

I laugh, "Well we really don't want a repeat of what happened when he first caught us."

"Defiantly not and which reminds me.  I got my key back from Sam and I am giving it to you.  So just come and go when you want.  I want you to feel comfortable here," he says handing me the key.

I smile and take the key, "Thanks that means a lot," I say.

"Well I am hoping that you are going to want to spend a lot of time here and our schedules kind of don't match. So it just makes sense," he says cupping my face.

Following in the Foot Steps (Anderson Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now