Ch.3 Execute the plan pt.1

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Y/n's POV:
Two days before Roses shipment. I am at the wall waiting for Ray to call me.

"Y/n!?" There it is. I start running up the wall. Then I jumped down and landed right in Rays arms.

He put me down, and as soon as he did, I started tackling him, and tickling him. He would not stop laughing. He pushed me off and got on top me.

We stayed like that laughing, until Ray got off.

The rest of the day went by normal. Until the night.

I woke up to see myself at home, my home. I stand up and left my room to see what my parents were up to. But first I decided to see Kev, I opened the door, and seen a demon with and unbloomed rose.

Kev right up against the wall panicking. Once we make eyes contact he reaches for my hand. I watch helplessly as his arm fall to the side, his eyes go full white. As blood drips down his chin and falls onto the now bloomed rose impaled in his heart.

The demon turns around and sees me, 'it' smiled. Then puts my brother in a blue liquid, then they are both just gone.

I run into my parents room to see my dad laying down dead on the ground, a flower impaled in his heart. I run into the living room, nothing is there. The dining room, nothing. The kitchen, my mom was beating the demon with the belt.

But then another one comes from behind her, and impales her. Her scream repeating in my head over and over.

Then. I woke up. I woke up in my bed, I look to my right, and see Cathy peacefully sleeping.

I sigh and stand up, my eyes open wide as I heard my mothers scream again. I run out of the house and towards the wall. Maybe being in the plant that the guy I love lives in might help me.

Rays POV:
I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk outside, I walk against the wall, but then I heard footsteps, right against the wall.

Not going to lie but I got scared. Then a h/c haired girl jumped down, it was Y/n, we made eye contact, and then she put on nervous smile.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask, she looks down and said "I can't sleep.." "Me either, but is there a reason why you can't?" "Nightmare.." I pull her into hug comforting hug.

I see she has a bag with her, so I take her under a tree and sit down still hugging her. "Wanna talk about it?" She starts telling me how it was about her being able to go to an actual 'foster' family, and how demons killed the family. I sighed, "wanna stay here and sleep with me under this tree for the night?" She nodded, surprisingly. "C..can you cuddle" She asks nervously.

Shocked I replied with "c..c..cuddle you?!" She nods, "alright, f..fine.." I say bringing her onto my lap, and pulling her close, her being shorter than me, helps her be able to put her head on my chest.

After a couple minutes of silence, I check up on Y/n. She was sleeping peacefully..

"You are an idiot, but I wish you were my idiot.." I nuzzled my face into Y/n's head and soon fell asleep.

I woke up, and felt some weight on my chest, I look down and seen Y/n, laying on my chest asleep.

It was clearly morning so, I decided to wake her up. "Hey Y/n.. It's time to wake up.."

She woke up, surprised. "You should go back and quick!" She nodded handing me the rope, once she seen I tied it to the tree, she started running at and up the wall.

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