Ch.6 Introducing Y/n

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Rays POV:
Damn.. Norman found out I was the spy.

But, now it's time to have that meeting with Don and Gilda.

"There's a secret room!" Emma announced, "lets try to get in!" Don butted in.

My eyes went wide, "No! What if there are cameras or a security system?!" I defended,

Don and Gilda went to make Dinner for everyone, while Emma took us to the library.

"William Minerva..?" "Yes! Look at the stickers!" "It's just an ow- morse code?!" Norman said shocked "Bingo." I said to Norman,

Farm.. Monster.. Run.. (I don't remember the words;-;) Harvest..

"Check these two, I couldn't understand them." Emma said giving Norman two more books.

"This one doesn't have any, but this one says Promise.."

"Promise? What does that mean?" Emma questioned, I shrugged.

We walked into the dining area, Don and Gilda nowhere to be found.

Did they?-

"Where's Don and Gilda?!" Emma panicky says.

"They aren't here!" Norman says coming out of the pantry.

The three of us turn around, and seen Don walking over to the dining room angry, and Gilda was guilty.

"Where were you two?!" I almost yelled.

"Let's get started with Dinner and talk later." Norman said, and we all agreed.

"Well?" I said dinner was over and now we were talking alone in the dining room.

"We were just in... Mamas secret room." Don admitted.

"But how-!" Emma asks,

"Don stole the key from Mama.. But we put it back! I don't think she noticed!" Gilda said guilty and quick.

"Do you know how dangerous that is?! You know what'll happen if Sister Krone or Ma-?!" I snapped getting cut off by Don,

"Tell what'll happen Ray?! Would we all be.. killed..?! When we were in there we found little bunny/berine.." Don said,

"Is it even possible to save Conny and the others?!" Don asked, Emma put her head down, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Emma pleaded.

"You kept us hopeful.." Don said betrayed.

"So.. Conny and the other are.." Gilda started..

After Emma told them the truth Don started laughing uncontrollably.

He swung a hand and it hit Norman in the face.

Shocked I yelled "Don wait-!" Only to have been hit by Don as well.

Don runs over and picks Emma up by the shirt getting ready to punch her. But stops and puts her down,

"I'm sorry I just need fresh air.." Don said running outside, Gilda following him.

I rub the cheek Don hit. Then started running outside following Emma and Norman.

You better survive when you escape, Y/n, I got hit because of your side of the plan..

As Emma and Norman apologize to Don and Gilda, Norman convinces me to as well.

I then start walking into the forest. The four starts following me.

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