Ch.16 Home.. The end

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Y/n POV:
I woke up it was Morning, a Saturday morning...

Kev ran in my room, he looked relived to see I was awake.

"Oh thank god..!" Kev said, "what happened?" I asked

"You were asleep for a whole day.. We were gonna take you to the hospital if you didn't wake up by tonight.." My brother explained.

I nodded, and Kev walked out.

I turned on 'The Promised Neverland' and rewatched season two, starting to cry a bit..

There was a new scene at the end, I was confused, until I saw Ray..

He was looking at a picture, as a soft voice was being played, and he was humming along to it..

"Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame, where there is a flame someones bound to get burned. But just because it burns doesn't mean your gonna die. You gotta get up and try try try gotta get up and try try try gotta get up and try try try.."

It replayed, and I sang along this time, more tears rolling down my face.

3rd person POV:
You can tell that Y/n was crying.

So Kev walked in to check, and seen her watching the TV, seeing Ray, crying and starting to sing.

Holding a picture.

It showed a glimpse of the picture, so you rewinded it, and paused it on the right time.

You and Kev seen a girl, h/c hair, e/c eyes, s/t, and the number [53194].

The same number, you always wrote on your neck.

"No..." You had said. Kev walked out.

"I am home now though.. I miss it there though.." You let out a scream,

feeling the pain from falling off the wall for 3 years, your nose getting cut, and getting stabbed with the arrow by yourself..

You looked in a mirror, at where you stabbed yourself, and there was a scar, same thing with your nose.

You can still feel Rays kisses too. And hear everything they had said to you, as well as when they called your name.

The clip had ended 22 minuets ago, but you kept staring at the TV.

You walked out of your room, and into the kitchen, got some food, ate, then went back to your room.

Your cousins came over to hang out, a year older, and younger.

You had a great time that day, and forgot about The promised Neverland.

When it was time for bed, you found another Anime to watch.

You binge watched it all night two times.

'Ouran High School Host Club'

"They were puzzle pieces that fit together perfect, the problem was that they weren't from the same puzzle"

 Did I shifted  Ray x Reader TPN CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now