Ch.12 B06-32

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Your POV:
Everyone is walking to the shelter, but I'm still wondering if we will meet Yuugo.

"Hey Y/n!" Mujika called me over, "here.. take this, it's an amulet. I'm sure it'll keep you safe." Mujika put and eyes amulet in my hands.

I stare at it, why didn't she give this to Emma..?

"I don't know why I thought to give it to you, and not Emma, but.." Mujika started, "I hope we all meet again! Bye Y/n!" The demon girl finished.

"B..bye Mujika, Sonju!" I start walking back to everyone, feeling the amulet in my pocket.

"Something wrong, N/n?" Ray asks me, I shook my head.

"Everything is fine." I gave him a reassuring smile, and started walking next to Emma.

I don't want to mess up the time line... but I think I already have..

After and hour or two, I pick up Noah, the 5 year old boy, and he falls asleep in my arms.

"Descanse mi hijo... Los mantendré a todos a salvo con el tiempo que tengo aquí." (Rest my child.. I will keep you all safe with the time I have.) I said, speaking Spanish so no one understood me but Ayden.

I start humming '10,000 hours' to the sleep Noah in my arms.

"Hey Emma.. Where are we now?" One of the children asks, "I don't know, let me check."

Emma pulls out the pen, and it shows 'B06-32'.

"We're here.. But there's nothing here..." Emma says.

"We came all this way, FOR NOTHING?!" Thoma, Lani, and Nat started freaking out, waking up Noah.

"What's going on?!" The boy in my arms asks, he looks like he's on the verge of tears.

"It's fine Noah.. We're here, but we don't know what to do next." I replied calmly.

"How you can you stay so calm?!" Nat asked putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Because. There is something here I know it! Just look around! Ray, get the book." I demanded to everyone.

I started walking to the area where the hatch opens up, Noah clinging onto me, scared.

A loud noise was heard from right next to me, then I yelled, "something is over here!" Everyone ran to me.

Then we all started climbing down.

I start running to the security room, "Y/n! Stop it might be dangerous!" Emma yelled.

I opened the door. Nothing.

No Yuugo no one.

Just a box of cookies, as well as an empty mug.

I looked over and seen a lightswitch, I flicked it on and all the lights went on.

Ray raced in the room, and was about to scold me, but that was before, he saw that I was on the verge of tears.

"Hey! Are you alright..?" Ray had asked me, all I did was nod my head, knowing if I tried to speak tears would fall out.

It's always been that way..

"Yuugo..?" I whispered slightly, I was sure no one heard, maybe just a little mumble, but no way they could tell what I said.

Everyone rushed in the room as we heard stomping approaching.

"Who is it?! Have they found me?!" A male voice had yelled.

A smile had made it's way onto my face, as I ran out of the room.

"Y/n..!" Emma whisper yelled.

"Eh, a child..? Congrats! You survived the demon filled forest and made it to safety! I am Yuugo, you?"

I was so happy, all I said was,

"Y/n, I finally met you..-"

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