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Alright motherfuckers I'm not dead yet and I'm going to make that your problem. I wasn't planning on updating cuz I've been on the verge of coming out to parents and also like doing the big no no, so kinda swamped but thanks to the little fuckers (im going to call yall that until i come up with a better thing) named @Wolfy3blue and @KageHina3112 i'm back on this and am finishing this ep at 10:31 pm while eating crackers in my bed. Now, enjoy the pile of shit this is. (Also TW, theres gonna be one at every one cuz idk what im gonna write so better to be safe then sorry and ill put one at the beginning of an no no scenes) ill shut up now.

Rin opened his eyes to see only darkness. He looked all around himself but there was absolutely nothing. He felt his chest tighten as his heart threatened to beat straight out of his chest. There was absolutely nothing around him, just complete emptiness. It felt like it was swallowing Rin and suffocating him. He tried crying out but no noise left his mouth, the booming silence consuming any hopes of any sounds.

Rin's once dry eyes welled with tears which spilled over onto his face, falling down into the dark abyss surrounding his body. Closing his eyes, he stops any attempt of struggling and gives in to the inky black shadows. He hoped that he could finally rest without worry of the hatred of others or waking up in the morning. With a final breath Rin let himself slip into the dark nothingness again.

Time skiperoonie

Rin's eyes fluttered open from the feeling of someone breathing on his face. He was met with the face of none other than Kuro.

Good morning Rin! How are you feeling now? You were twitching in your sleep so I was wondering if you had a nightmare?

That was right, the images of the emptiness surrounding everything flashed in Rin's mind making him shudder.

"Don't worry Kuro, I'll be fine. It was just a bit of a bad dream, nothing too big. I promise." Rin gave the small demon a soft smile, which he had gotten used to faking.

Alrighty....but if you feel NOT fine, then you don't have to hide it, I'll help you out!!

Tears pricked the corner of Rin's eyes once again as the small cat spoke to him. It seemed as if he was the only one who was actually there for Rin when he needed it.  He silently nodded, not trusting his voice to stay still as he spoke. 

With one final groan, Rin pulled himself from his bed to get ready to go to the hellhole that was school. He didn't bother to check the time as he threw on his jacket, not caring if he was late or no at this point. He extended his arm to Kuro as he grabbed his bag, to which the cat demon gladly hopped upon.

"Let's go see what happens today." Rin grumbled as he ran out the door to school.

Another time skip cuz i said so

Rin's hand hesitated over the handle to the exorcist cram school. He could hear the hum of his classmates talking, not wanting to go in. He took a deep breath in as Kuro nuzzled into the crook of his neck and turned the knob.

The room had fallen so silent you could've heard a pin drop. Just like last time he had entered, murmurs from the class began to spread throughout. Rin tried to ignore the cruel whispers as he went to the seat in the back, hoping the world would just go back to  normal again.

"Alright settle down class, we have to go over some important information for the quiz." Yukio's voice rang out in the class, quieting it quickly. As he started to go into the lesson, the nagging feeling sprung up in the back of Rin's head, making in forearms itch. He shakily raised his hand to catch his brother's attention.

"Yes Rin?" Yukio asked in an exasperated tone.

"Could I go use the bathroom?" his voice shook as he asked, hurriedly standing up and swaying as he made his way to the door after getting approval from his teacher. He heard some people giggling as the door shut behind him. 

Rin ran to the down the hallway and into an empty bathroom stall, heart racing. His breath grew fast as he tried to concentrate on anything other than the urges he felt. Rin shut his eyes tight, tears starting to leak from his eyes as he clutched his arms.

Alrighty folks, the time for the TW starts here, skip it if you need too. Now onto no no time

His eyes flung open as he slowly and shakily rolled up his sleeves, the previous marks almost completely gone. Rin dug around in his bag he had brought and grabbed out a pair of thin scissors and took a deep breath in. 

Rin slowly brought the blade to his arm and drew a line, not even wincing at the pain. He drew it across again, and again, and again until his arm was covered in thin lines with red pouring out. He began to panic, not knowing how to stop the bleeding. 

Rin once again dug around in his bag and pulled out the item he was looking for, bandages. He tightly wrapped his arm, watching the red seep through. His breath shaking as he opened up the stall door to look around. With the coast clear, he darted out and unwrapped the now bloodied bandage he just applied.

After running it under some soothing water, Rin was drying his arm and had just started to rewrap his arm as the door to the bathroom creaked open, both him and the sudden intruder locking eyes in shock.


Heyyyyy fuckers. Anyone have any better ideas of what to call yall??? I brought you a bit of a longer chapter today since its been forever, but im not nice enough to not leave a cliffhanger. >:) Anyways tho, i love yall so much and stay safe! (p.s, i maayyy upload again soon if yall want) :p see yall later

- Q (he/they)

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