Chapter 28

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ELYSIUM and Andrew strode into the bare marble hall of Minas Tirith, passing lines if guards on either side of the grand hall and making a beeline for the graying, disgusted look of the Steward of Gondor. She had met Lord Denethor only once, and it had not gone well with the mock-king. Cruel, he was, and in any time of need the She-Elf had been placed in, the Steward had never answered her call; this, of course, infuriated Elysium. She was quite doubtful of anything good coming from their meeting today.

Andrew struggled to keep up with Elysium as he stared in awe at the tall curved arches and black marble columns that stood tall on either side of him. It was so beautiful. This world's architecture in general was beautiful. He found himself wanting to sketch it out, but his heart plummeted realizing that not only were they on a mission, he had nothing to write with or on. He also assumed Elysium would be very displeased with him. He was not going to take several steps back with her when he had made so many monumental ones on their trip to Minas Tirith.

Elysium came to a sudden stop, jolting Andrew out of his thought. She lowered her head slightly and bent at her waist. Andrew followed suit. "Mighty Lord Denethor, the highest privilege to be in your presence once more," she drawled in a smooth tone. She stood upright slowly and looked at Denethor through her lashes. Andrew raised any eyebrow at her. Why was she kissing his ass?

The Steward glowered at her, his hands clutching a horn split in half. "Daughter of Elrond," he growled. "Bold of you to step into my line of sight, considering our parting words."

Elysium winced internally, remembering the first and last time they had met. Many decades ago, she had stormed into the great hall of Gondor, bows-a-blazing, Legolas by her side. The Woodland elves had requested the help of the men of Gondor, just as the elves had come to Gondor's aid decades prior.

After a few choice words, bows and swords being pulled on each other, Denethor had refused to help them.

Elysium briefly remembered what she had said to the Steward. "You will rot, mindless pig, just as you allow us to."

Andrew glanced at Elysium, confused. "What did you say?"

Elysium did not look at him. "It is possible that I called his Lord a—"

Denethor rose with a fierce start. "Mindless pig. Yes, I recall as well. I recall, as well, you stating that I will not reign long enough to regret turning you away. As you can see, you were quite mistaken."

She felt irritation bubble in her gut. How she wished Legolas was with her now. He always seemed to balance her impulsivity. He also eased her in every way. "I'm sure you recall, then, my letter to you only a year after the incident. I apologized to his Grace. I continue to apologize, Lord Denethor." Elysium bowed again.

Denethor rolled his eyes and dropped himself back into his throne. "What is it you want, Elf?"

She's not an elf, Andrew thought with a glare. Elysium felt him bristle beside her, but ignored him without issue.

"I am here in your humble presence seeking the audience of Gandalf the White. I know he has come to your hall," Elysium replied, watching her words carefully.

Denethor scowled at her. "I turned the wizard away,  but his Halfling has pledged his service to me. My guards informed me of their stay in the city. Leave me, Elf. Do not return."

Without another word, Elysium bowed once more, Andrew following her quickly as she turned on her heel and strode out of the ball gracefully. His Percy would have tripped on her feet at least twice. Andrew was beginning to realize that Elysium wasn't quite his Percy anymore. She would be soon, he sure of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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