Chapter 24

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ELYSIUM loosened her armor for the fourth time. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't focus. Her hands shook. She didn't usually get this nervous before a skirmish; she quite liked the thrill of battle. Something didn't feel right about this battle, though. It was the same feeling as earlier. Something bad was going to happen.

A knock sounded startling her; she was very jumpy today. Elysium found her bearings and calming said, "Come in." She expected it to be a guard. She hoped it would be Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn. But Elysium was surprised when Andrew from earlier stepped over her threshold. He stared at her.

"Hi." He said softly, looking away from her, stepping closer.

"Hello." Was Elysium's reply. Andrew scratched the back. "May I help you?" She asked.

Andrew studied her. "Er, yeah." He moved forward and Elysium was immediately on guard. "Do I look familiar? Do my friends look familiar?" He asked.

Elysium kept a calm facade, though she didn't understand what the point of this was. "No," she lied. Elysium was the only one that knew about her visions, beside Gandalf, and she wanted to keep it that way. Andrew nodded, stepping forward again.

"You have no memory of me." He said, his arms crossed.

"That is correct." She said evenly. Andrew narrowed his eyes at her and pointed his finger at her. He laughed after a moment. "You're lying to me, Percy. I thought we promised never to lie to each other." Elysium frowned. He kept moving closer and Elysium did not like it.

She was also fed up with this boy calling her Percy and acting like he knew her. "Listen to me, Andrew Chasion, I do not know you. I am not this Percy you speak of. Now, move. I have to get ready for battle and you should also." Elysium moved past him, but was pulled back by the wrist. She twisted his arm and kicked the back of his knee, causing Andrew to fall to the ground.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you how to treat a woman, much less a royal?" She growled. Elysium didn't usually bring up her heritage, but she was beginning to get very irritated. This man should know how to treat a woman, especially an elven princess. Andrew laughed. "I know you, Percy. You know me." He got up and faced her. "I just need you to remember." He said determinedly.

Andrew grabbed her face and smashed his lips to hers. His lips were soft and he smelled of lemons, like the ones Arwen grew in her garden. She felt something strike her lips. No, strike was not the best choice of words. A sparkle? Electricity? As soon as it began, though, the kiss ended by Elysium throwing him into the wall and walking swiftly out of her room.

Andrew slid down the wall. He brushed his curly blonde hair out of his eyes and stared after her with a small smirk.

He was getting through to her.


ARAGORN sighed, looking at the old men and young boys waving swords around. These people were not soldiers. They would not be ready for battle. There was no hope of coming out of this alive. Gimli was to his left, looking bemused. "Most have too many winters." He exclaimed.

Elysium came up beside him. "Or too few." She said. Legolas looked at her and frowned. She didn't look very well. She had a disgusted look on her fair face, too. Something was off.

He shook away the feeling, though. "Look at them." Legolas said. "They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes." The elf said loudly. He glanced at an older man, maybe in his late 70's, hunched over, trying to pick up his sword. He saw a boy trying to figure out his bow and arrow. A fat man that he could smell fifty feet away couldn't even bend down to strap his shoes on. Legolas sighed in frustration; they were all going to die.

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