Chapter 26

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Faramir led Frodo, Sam, and Gollum through Ogsiliath to a tunnel. Frodo looked around at the old stone building they were under. It was near crumbling. He didn't like being under there. It could crush him and the Ring. Sam put a hand on his shoulder, sensing his anxiety. "This is the old sewer." Faramir said. "Runs right under the river through to the edge of the city. You'll find cover in the woods there."

"Captain Faramir, you've shown your quality, sir. The very highest." Sam said, giving him a nod of thanks. Frodo nodded along too, agreeing with him.

"The Shire must truly be a great realm, Master Gamgee, where gardeners are held in high honor." Sam blushed slightly. "What road will you take once you reach the woods?" The captain asked.

"Gollum says there a path near Minas Morgul that climbs up into the mountains." Frodo spoke up, absentmindedly twirling the Ring between his gritty fingers.

Faramir furrowed his brow. He knew of that route. "Cirith Ungol?" He muttered. He glanced down at the creature below him. With a snarl he pushed Gollum up against the wall. "Is that it's name?"

"No, no." The thing choked out. However, it's blue eyes and it's slight grin held the truth, Faramir could tell. After a moment, Gollum gave up. "Yes," the creature cried.

Faramir turned toward the hobbits, his green eyes holding a twinge of panic in them. "Frodo, they say a dark terror dwells in the passes above Minas Morgul. You cannot go that way," he urged.

"It is the only way." Gollum croaked. "Master says we must go to Mordor so, we must try." Gollum failed to hide its grin.

Frodo looked at Sméagol thoughtfully. "I must."

Faramir threw Gollum onto the ground, earning a quaint scream. "Go, Frodo. Go with the goodwill of all Men." He nodded at the two hobbits, hoping, praying he would see them again and the world would be good again.

"Thank you." Frodo gave him a meaningful smile, before turning into the sewer, Sam following him. Faramir waited for the sound of their feet padding down the moist sewer to fade.

Before Gollum could go, however, Faramir grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the wall again, his scowl so deep, it was practically etched into his weathered face. "May death find you quickly if you bring them to harm." He threw Gollum into the sewer to follow after his master.

The three of them had been walking quietly for a few hours. Frodo and Sam's feet sore; their throats dry with the lack of water–they refused to drink from the sewer. The two hobbits had finally made it out of the dark, moist, smelly sewer, and had just entered a small forest when Sam broke the silence. "I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or fairy tales." Sam said. Over the long journey Sam had tried many times to brighten Frodo's mood, but had also failed many times. Though, he hopes this time he might make some kind of progress.

Frodo turned, raising an eyebrow at his friend. "What?" He questioned, a small smile tugging at his dry, chapped lips.

They continued to go deeper into the forest. "I wonder if people will ever say, 'Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring.'" Sam continued, his tone full of seriousness and wonder. "And they'll say, 'Yes! That's one of my favorite stories.'" Frodo could've laughed, but he remembered where he was. "'Frodo was really courageous, wasn't he, Dad?' 'Yes, my boy. The most famousest of  Hobbits. And that's saying a lot.'"

Frodo chuckled, kicking a small rock and immediately, regretting it felling the pain in his toe. "Well, you've left out one of the chief characters: 'Sanwise the Brave'. I want to hear more about Sam." He came to a halt and turned to his friend. Sam could feel the sincerity radiating off his friend. "Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam." It was true. He wouldn't have made it out of Hobbiton without Sam. He would most likely be dead if Sam wasn't there with him.

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