Chapter 14

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Nico wiped the sweat off his forehead. Sweat dripped off his nose, some rolling into his eyes. His black clothes and jacket were not helping his sweating problem. He looked up at the bright, blue sky, the sun beated down on them. At times Nico forgot why he was here, walking in the heat with and aching back and numb feet. He almost forgot why he was doing this, who he was doing this for. Percy.

Thalia glared at the sky, concentrating. She had never figured out how Percy controlled the weather. All she wanted was a little but of rain or some sign of water. Thalia gripped her bow so hard her knuckled turned white. Thinking of Percy hurt to much.

Leo wished he had lawnmower right now. The tall and itchy grass was really starting to bug him. In his pockets Leo's fingers moved quickly over the metal pieces and bolts. The cool metal and cricks in the bolts soothed him for some reason; it kept the bothering thoughts away. He didn't know Percy as well as he did Piper or Jason, but she was still his friend. She was in trouble. So he was going to help.

Jason and Andrew at the front led the group, with Clarisse following close behind. Nico and Thalia walked side by side without speaking. Leo, Travis, and Connor whispered and snickered in the back. They had been traveling for a couple hours.

Jason squinted, looking in the distance. He could barely see it. If it had been any smaller, Jason would've lost sight of it. But he could see it. He could see some sign of civilization. And where there are people, there has to be water, which was his biggest priority at the moment. He shook Andrew's shoulder and pointed ahead.

Andrew jumped slightly and stuffed the picture of Percy away. He followed Jason's finger. He only saw heat waves. "What?" He asked.

Jason sighed. "Don't you see it?" Andrew gave him a dumb look. "The building or-or the town, whatever you want to call it. Look. Closely." Andrew squinted. At first he still didn't see anything. But then he looked past the heat waves and just barely saw something. It seemed about fourty or fifty miles away. They could probably make there before sunset.

He grinned. If Percy was swept away and landed where they did, she could've followed the trail they were and ended up at the town. She was so close, just out of his reach.

"Only a couple more hours, guys. We're close." He called. Travis groaned and plumped down on the ground. "You mean more walking?" Clarisse rolled her eyes. She grabbed Travis by the shirt and pulled him up roughly. "If you stopped wasting time, dipshit, we could be five minutes closer." Clarisse growled and walked past them followed by Thalia and then the others.

Connor dusted his brother off and put an arm around him. "Don't worry, bro. Look at the bright side, only a couple hours 'til breakfast."

Travis nodded and sniffled. "Don't forget second breakfast."

"Wouldn't dream of it." And with that they were off, running to catch up with everyone else.


They ran towards the river, lining the walls of the large building. They dove into the cool stream. They drank and splashed their faces. They cleaned any cuts or burns they had.

Jason, Thalia, and Nico were the first to get out of the water. They didn't feel the presence of their uncle, but they still did not want to take any chances.

Nico looked up at the structure. He saw waving flags with a symbol on it. There were a few guards that had yet to discover them. Though, they were beginning to seem suspicious. Nico stepped back to get a better view, but also giving the guards a better view. The bigger one pointed at him and yelled.

Nico widened his eyes. "Oh, shit." He ran back to the stream where everyone but Travis were out. Nico drew his sword. Jason put a hand on Nico's shoulder. "What?" He asked.

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