Chapter 25

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ELYSIUM laughed as Gimli attempted to tell her a joke; something about his father Gloin and another dwarf, Balin, while sitting on a pile of dead orcs. Today was a day to be celebrating. The Fellowship had not lost anyone close to them, except Haldir, but Elysium would just pack that away in her mind with all her other kin she had to mourn over. She had not seen Legolas or Aragorn since they were in battle. Elysium could not stop thinking about Legolas and if he was lying somewhere in that pipe of dead bodies. She knew that Legolas was stronger than that. Wouldn't she know if he was dead? Wouldn't she feel it?

Elysium looked at Andrew and his companions who sat quietly a few yards away from her and Gimli. They weren't crying anymore. It didn't even seem like they were speaking. She remembered just a few hours ago the look of disappointment and hurt he gave her. Elysium couldn't understand what she had done to them. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt every time she saw them, though. She didn't need to feel like this. It wasn't her fault. She didn't owe them anything. She didn't know them. Although, something in the back of Elysium's head told her that she was wrong.

Elysium excused herself from Gimli and made her way over to Andrew and his companions. There were five men; Andrew, a taller blonde, a darker skinned boy, a very energetic one with dark hair, and a boy with curly brown hair and red, puffy eyes. Elysium was almost thrown off her feet when the youngest looking boy crashed into her.

"Percy!" He yelled, hugging her torso. Elysium was too shocked to throw him off. Never had a stranger done that to her. After a moment, Elysium pushed him away lightly.

"Perc-" Andrew stopped. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere by calling her that and angering her. "Elysium," He said, "What're you doing here?"

Elysium internally frowned; what was she doing there? She felt like she needed to apologize, but what for? She shook that thought off and racked her brain for a believable response.

"You may retrieve your women in the dungeons. That is where all the other women and children are residing." She said, sternly. Andrew narrowed his eyes and walked closer to her. Elysium grit her teeth. The last time they were that close, Andrew had kissed her.

"That's all you have to say?" Andrew stepped closer. "You came all the way over here to tell me that?"

Elysium cleared her throat. "Yes," She answered. "What else would I have come here to say?"

"Nothing, Elysium," Andrew muttered. Elysium wanted to give him her condolences, she had no reason, but she wanted to. She hated that look of disappointment and hurt he gave her. For some reason, it hit her hard, those looks she received from him and his friends. She nodded at him and turned, walking back to Gimli.

Gimli raised his orange, furry brows. "What was that?" He asked, setting his ax down.

Elysium shook her head and sighed. "I'm not really sure. I am still trying to figure it all out."

"Do you know them?" Gimli asked.

"I'm not sure."


MERRY and PIPPIN were beginning to get cramps in their bottoms from all this sitting. Not to mention, what they were sitting on was all bark and wood. They had been traveling with Treebeard for days. He was taking them to their homeland. Throughout the whole trip Merry and Pippin had been throwing agitated glances at each other, trying to get one an other to ask for a quick stop to relieve themselves. Treebeard had yet to notice anything.

"I will leave you at the western borders of the forest," he said. His monotonous voice could've put the two hobbits to sleep. "You can make your way north to your homeland from there."

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