Chapter three

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"It's me again!" Harry announced with that annoying dimpled smile. Louis glared at him but mouthed a hi.

"We're just gonna cut right to it. First I'm gonna train your muscles and then we're gonna try to sit up. Exciting, huh?" Harry said.

Louis rolled his eyes at him. Exciting wasn't the word he would use. Annoying maybe. Harry did the same thing as the day before. He stretched his legs. Pushed them up against his stomach and put his weight behind it. In another lifetime Louis would find that position amusing. Now he would probably never have sex again, at least not as a top. Who was he kidding? He would never have sex again in any way. Who would want him? The catheter wasn't exactly a turn-on, nor the diaper. It was humiliating.

Harry finally put his legs down. He continued to glare at him.
"Are you pissed off at me? It's okay, Louis. You can try to kick me if you want. I would see that as enormous progress." Harry grinned.

He really tried to kick him. He really fucking did but his legs wouldn't move.
"Okay, it's time to sit on the edge of the bed. Ready?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head fiercely.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
"I'm trying to help you to get to a wheelchair. Then you can take a shower for example. Or maybe you really love those sponge baths you're getting? We could always use a harness but I don't think you would appreciate that."

A shower sounded heavenly. His hair was greasy and despite those sponge baths he didn't feel clean at all." He nodded his head in agreement.

"Great! Put your arms around my neck. I'm gonna help you to sit up." Harry grinned.

Harry would be able to smell his awful scent but it wasn't like he was trying to hit on the guy so it shouldn't matter. He raised his arms. Harry smiled and came closer and wrapped an arm around his back while he held his legs with the other. Harry smelled really nice.
"Okay, raise your upper body. Just hold on to me. I won't break. I'm gonna turn you to the side. Okay?"

Louis did as he was told and Harry swooped his legs to the side and he was sitting up with his legs dangling from the edge of the bed.
"Do you think you can sit by yourself if I let you go?" Harry asked and Louis nodded his head.

Harry slowly removed his arm around his back but kept a hand on his shoulder to keep him steady. He took a step back.
"Look at you! You're doing great, Louis."

Louis rolled his eyes but he couldn't help but smile. Harry started to smile as well.
"First time I get to see that gorgeous smile of yours."

Louis stopped smiling and pouted his lower lip. Harry sighed but then he returned to his cheerful manners.
"Wanna try to stand? I promise that I will keep you upright."

He might as well. Louis nodded his head.
"Great! Here, let's put you in this shower chair, and then I can wheel you into the bathroom for that shower. What do you say?"

Louis nodded his head again.
"You know the drill. Put your arms around my neck." Harry said.

Louis complied.
"Ready?" Harry asked and Louis nodded his head again.

Harry pulled him off the bed. This felt intimate, like they were about to dance a slow dance or something. Louis got up on his feet but his legs gave in. Harry's arms around him tightened and he held him up.
"I got you." He said softly before he turned them around and put him in a chair.

Louis just wanted to cry from disappointment. He couldn't even stand on his own. Harry hunched down in front of him but he refused to look up. He felt a finger under his chin and Harry tilted his head up so their eyes met.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Louis. You did well. Look, you're in the shower chair now! Give it a week or two and you will be able to do it by yourself. Just train with me. We're gonna do this together." Harry said softly. He had really green eyes Louis noticed up close.

He swallowed and blinked the tears away and nodded his head.
Harry brought his pee bag with them before he pushed him toward the bathroom.
"So, do you want me to help you get undressed?" Harry asked.

And show him his diaper? No way in hell! Louis shook his head in panic. Harry rolled him into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet so they were at the same height.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed over, Louis, please know that. I'm gonna get someone else to help you. Man or woman?"

"Zayn." Louis mouthed silently. They had all been so considerate thinking he rather have a man helping him out. Harry was the first one to ask. He would have chosen a woman for natural reasons but he had gotten used to Zayn and he was a nice guy.

Harry left and Zayn arrived after a couple of minutes.
"Tomlinson! No sponge today!"

Louis shook his head in amusement and raised his arms so Zayn could help him get undressed.
Five minutes later the first splash of water hit his skin and he moaned internally. Zayn helped him to wash his hair and body and to dry himself after the shower. He emptied the pee bag and helped him get dressed in fresh clothes.

Zayn called for help and they got him in bed again. He was exhausted again but it had been worth it. Something so simple as a shower made wonders. He decided to make an effort to learn how to get in and out of the wheelchair by himself. Maybe he didn't have to use a diaper eventually if he could get to the toilet in time?

He fell asleep, too exhausted to dream.

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