Chapter twelve

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After he had woken up the next morning with a slight hangover he had spent two hours trying to compose a text to Harry. At first, he thought that he would send him a cute selfie, but after 30 pictures or so he realized how cringy that would be and skipped that idea. He had written and deleted at least ten texts. Why was this so hard? He was usually good at this, but Harry knew him on a personal level. He had seen the worst of him. He had seen him break down, he had seen him cry and he had admitted some of his biggest fears to him, and still, there was so much that they didn't know about each other. He would like a chance to get to know him privately.

He settled for a neutral text at last.

Good morning, I had a great time last night. I hope you're not too hungover? /Louis

He read it through one last time and held his breath as he pressed send. Harry answered within the minute.

Good morning, I was just thinking about you. I had a great time too and I feel okay. You?

He was thinking about him? Louis' stomach erupted into butterflies. He decided to be a little more forward.

I was thinking about you too. Slightly hungover. Haven't been drinking a lot lately as you know. What are your plans for today?

Harry answered right away.

No plans. You?

Louis decided to call him. His heart beated like crazy as the first signal went through. Harry answered on the second ring.
"Hi, Lou."

Louis smiled from the use of the nickname.
"Hi, what are you doing?"

"I'm still in bed. You?" Harry answered, a smile evident in his voice.

"Same. So, ehm, do you wanna hang out today?" He asked nervously.

"Absolutely. What do you have in mind?" Harry asked.

Shit! He hadn't exactly come up with a plan.
"Dinner and a movie?"

"Sounds perfect. I can pick you up. At six?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Louis agreed.

They talked some more and Louis gave Harry his address before they hung up. He looked at the time, 12.34. He ordered a pizza for lunch and spent some time in front of the tv before he jumped in the shower to get ready for the date. It was a date, right?

Harry knocked on his door five minutes early and they both smiled brightly when their eyes met after Louis had opened the door.
"You look great! Ready?" Harry asked.

"So do you. I'm not used to seeing you in something other than your work clothes. I'm ready." Louis answered and hugged him.

Harry laughed softly and hugged him back. Looks locked the door behind them.
"So where are we going?" Harry asked as they walked towards the elevator.

"Well, I booked us a table at a place with really great Greek food. Do you like Greek food? I should probably have asked that beforehand. We can go somewhere else if you want to." Louis rambled nervously.

"I love Greek food. Relax, Lou. You don't have to be nervous. It's just me." Harry smiled.

"Well, have you seen you?" Louis blurted out and blushed.

Harry threw his head back and laughed like he had said something funny. Harry opened the car door for him before he got in the driver's seat.
Louis gave him directions and they parked outside the restaurant twenty minutes later.

They ordered food and the conversation was flowing naturally all through dinner. They never ran out of topics to talk about and they had both brought their end game. They were talking and laughing and flirting. Harry paid for the meal. There was a movie theater across the street and as they were walking Harry took Louis' hand in his and smiled at him.
"I'm having a wonderful time. This is a perfect first date."

Louis beamed. He was glowing. It was a date!
"I feel the same way."

They choose a romantic comedy and held hands throughout the movie. On their way back to Louis' apartment they ended up in a wild discussion about vegetables which made them both laugh so hard that their tummies hurt. Harry parked outside Louis' apartment complex.
"Wanna come inside for a while?" Louis asked.

"We're not having sex yet." Harry answered.

"Did I ask you to have sex with me?" Louis said and burst out laughing.

Harry's cheeks turned crimson red.
"No, this is awkward. I'm sorry."

"It was pretty funny but it's not awkward, Harry.  So, I'll just ask again, do you want to come inside for a while?" Louis asked with a grin.

"Yes." Harry agreed and turned off the engine.

As soon as they were inside Louis' apartment he headed to the kitchen.


Louis put the kettle on and got two mugs from the cabinet.
"Milk or sugar?"


He made the tea and walked to the living room and put the mugs on the coffee table.
"It's really remarkable that you can walk again." Harry said as they sat down.

"Well, I have you to thank for that. I'm really grateful, Harry. I hope you know that?" Louis said softly.

"I just did my job, you're the one who had to do all the hard work." Harry replied.

"But I couldn't have done it without you. Any of you guys. You all helped me." Louis answered, getting a little emotional.

Harry pulled him in for a hug and Louis nuzzled his nose in the crook of his neck. A minute later they were kissing passionately. They had no idea who initiated it but they didn't care. Louis pushed Harry on his back and got on top of him. When they needed to come up for air he started to trail kisses down Harry's neck while he pulled up his t-shirt.
"No sex..." Harry breathed out.

"You...already...said...that. I... respect... that." Louis mumbled, kissing Harry's skin wherever he could reach between every word.

"I...uhm...oh fuck, yes...I needed to, eh, remind myself." Harry stuttered.

Louis stopped what he was doing and looked at Harry. He brushed a strand of hair from his eyes.
"You are amazing. I really like you. We should take it slow."

Harry smiled.
"I like you too."

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