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They had made out for hours until they fell asleep on the couch. Harry had to rush home to get to work with a promise that he would call later.

Louis was walking on clouds the whole day. Harry called as promised and invited him to dinner at his place.

They spent every free minute with each other and after a month they made it official. Everyone was happy for them. The boys were thrilled, Louis' siblings as well and when Harry took Louis home to Holmes Chapel to meet his family his mum and sister were excited too.

They moved in together two months after that. They knew they were moving fast but it felt right, and they didn't want to wait, just like they hadn't waited that long to have sex and that had been amazing. It was always amazing. They said I love you just before they made their relationship official. They both fell fast and hard but it wasn't like they just had met. Louis' time at the rehabilitation center had already built the foundation.

Louis still had nightmares about the accident from time to time. The difference now was that he had a wonderful man by his side who took him in his arms and comforted him. He felt safe and loved. Harry was his home.

It amazed him how the worst thing that ever happened to him also gave him the best thing that ever happened to him. Harry.

They got married a year after, both certain that they had found the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with, and so they did.

The End

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