Chapter nine

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"We're gonna try to walk again." Harry stated as they arrived in the training room.

It had been a month since his first attempt.
"I can't. I will fall." Louis immediately protested.

"No, you won't. I have asked Zayn to join us as a backup just to keep you safe. You have trained for this. You're ready now. The last time was my fault. I shouldn't have agreed. I have a soft spot when it comes to you. I'm sorry." Harry said.

"What if I c...can't do it?" Louis said in a small voice, looking really vulnerable.

"I know you can. I have faith in you. Do you trust me?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Louis answered without hesitation which made Harry show off his dimples in a beautiful smile.

They locked eyes but were interrupted by Zayn.
"I'm here."

"Great! Let's get started. You'll walk behind him and I take the front." Harry instructed. He had gotten up quickly and moved away from Louis.

They got situated at the bars and Louis stood up. Zayn rolled away the wheelchair and stood behind him and put his hands on Louis' shoulders, keeping him steady. Harry took his place in front of him and held on to Louis' hips.
"Ready? Take a small step. Hold on to the bars. Remember to breathe."

Louis took a deep breath and looked Harry in the eyes. He had to bend his neck back to be able to remain in eye contact. Harry didn't look away.

He lifted his right foot and took a step forward. Harry and Zayn followed his motion.
"Great. Another one." Harry encouraged.

This was when he fell the last time. Louis was nervous but he trusted Harry. He took another step and smiled relieved when he didn't fall over. He took a new grip of the bars and when Harry nodded his head encouragingly he took another step.

Before he knew it he had walked several steps. His arms started to protest and Harry noticed. He stepped forward and hugged him tightly, holding him up.
"I got you." He said softly while Zayn went to get the wheelchair.

Louis nuzzled his nose in the crook of Harry's neck. He felt safe. He doesn't think this would be seen as a professional therapist-patient moment but he was so grateful for everything that Harry had done for him. The whole team of course, but especially Harry.
"I walked. You're an awesome p..pyshio t..therapist."

"Thanks, Lou...Louis. But you were the one who walked. You're the one fighting to get better. I'm just here helping you reach your full potential."  Harry said softly.

"Guys, wheelchair." Zayn said.

Harry let him go and made sure that he got carefully seated in the wheelchair. Louis looked up and caught Zayn giving Harry a reproachful look. He hoped that he hadn't put Harry in trouble. He knew that there wasn't anything going on between him and Harry but maybe it could be interpreted as that. There was no chance that Harry would ever be interested in him in that way. He was a patient first of all, second of all a fucking trainwreck. He would probably spend the rest of his life alone. Who would want him now, like this? That thought was really discouraging. He just felt like crying over his situation.

Harry seemed to notice his mood change. After he and Zayn had helped him get into bed Harry stayed behind despite the long look Zayn gave him. As soon as they were alone he turned his gaze to him.
"What's wrong? You had a sudden mood change. Why are you sad? You just walked Louis! You should be over the moon happy over that achievement."

"I am.'s silly, d..don't worry about me. I'll be o...okay." Louis sighed and tried to smile, not doing a particularly good job at being convincing.

"I'm all ears if you need someone to talk to about it or do you want me to get Liam?" Harry asked and took a seat.

"It's just...I will be alone. Who would w...want me now? I'll never f...find a boyfriend." Louis admitted his fears in a shaky voice.

Harry stared at him in surprise.
"You have a lot to offer. You're amazing. What are you talking about?"

Louis blushed.
"You really t...think that? That someone pass all this?" He asked and gestured at his body.

"Of course! I would, uhm, I mean, if I would have met you somewhere else outside my job that is." Harry said and his face turned crimson red.

"Oh." Louis was at a loss for words. Harry was into guys? That blew his mind completely.

"I'm not trying to hit on you. You're my patient. That would be totally inappropriate. What I'm getting at, or at least trying to, poorly, is that you have nothing to worry about. Someone will see you for who you are and I'm gonna have you walking in no time. You'll be as good as new." Harry said and smiled awkwardly.

"You're totally h...hitting on me." Louis smirked jokingly and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Am not!" Harry gasped and burst out laughing.

"Hey, I can't blame you. I'm a fish. Da...damn it! A catch!" Louis said and laughed at his own inability to find the right word.

"Louis the fish." Harry giggled.

"You can't m...make fun of a patient. Not cool." Louis said and pouted, looking like a sad puppy.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Louis. I didn't mean..." Harry immediately started apologizing, sounding regretful.

"I'm just f...fucking with you. Joke, Harry!" Louis laughed.

Harry raised an eyebrow at his choice of words and Louis' laugh got stuck in his throat and he chuckled embarrassedly.

"Feeling better?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, t...thanks, Harry. Really." Louis said softly.

"Yeah... I'm gonna let you rest now. I'll see you tomorrow. Then you're gonna walk some more." Harry said and got up from the chair.

As he was about to turn away and leave Louis grabbed his arm.
"Harry? Thank you."

Harry smiled and left him alone.

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